Life expectancy in states without Obamacare Medicaid Expansion


Thank you for that superb book. It is the other side of the USAian healthcare nightmare from the parallel story I have known: the determined work of the American Medical Association ever since the 1890’s to maintain their professional power and privilege by STOPing the Public Health movement in the USA. I know about that from studying the early Progressive movement, starring Teddy Roosevelt, and early feminism starring nurses and social workers, who deliberately teamed up to try to get sane Public Health done.

david fb

david fb


Don’t blame me for American stupidity.

The Captain

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You don’t need to aim for perfection. Cut out the really bad stuff like sugar, candy, colas, doughnuts, sports nutrition power bars, reduce alcohol. Bake instead of deep fry. It goes a long way to improve your health and saves money.

Edit: Avoid all low fat preparations. They replace the fat with garbage like salt and sugar and lots of chemicals.

The Captain


I certainly wasn’t doing that…just highlighting that the speaker in one of your links was making this very announcement. I assume that you didn’t think it was American stupidity when you first heard it.


The problem is that The Captain doesn’t understand the US health insurance market which is founded on scam, skim and fraud rather than transparency and competitive pricing. That’s why so many of his recommendations are sheer lunacy.

There is no such animal as “major medical” in the US. You get the health insurance that billionaire oligarchs have bribed Congress to allow, and that’s it.



Well, I’m not so sure that there’s much that resembles “major medical” in a socialised system (which is what Denny is benefitting from right now) seeing as most developed countries allow for universal access to their legal residents with certain caveats…with no option to weasel out of paying your dues to finance it. Even if there are exclusions based on age, length of residency etc, that require new arrivals to indemnify themselves in someway, they’re still benefitting from living in a community that’s generally well taken care of by the contributions made by those who’ve funded the public health sector via taxes, insurance contributions and whatever else is used to finance each country’s medical system.


Maybe you are right, I didn’t realize that the US had destroyed the insurance industry and has become a kleptocracy. I was thinking about honest insurers. Yet people complain about China and Russia.

The Captain


No. You’re noticing the benefits…and freedoms…that exist in a Society that provides universal healthcare for its citizens (Socialized Medicine) vs not. Enjoy what’s been built over the past few decades.

What sort of premiums are you paying for major medical and accident coverage?

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