Manhattan office space rebound

Bob you are not going to like hearing this. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Although the Manhattan office market hit bottom in 2023 with more than 20% vacancy rate, the short-term future looks rosier, according to a new report from national real estate technology platform VTS.

This just isn’t right.



Well, the Manhattan office market does have room to grow.

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Faced with a few layoffs office workers are scurrying back to their bosses in the corner office. Amazing what a little leverage does.

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Well it looks like we are at the bottom of the cycle and it should start growing from here.


What do you recommend we invest in to profit from that growth?

Maybe regional banks, especially NY-based ones will begin to turn around? Certain office REITs? Etc?

Mark I do not recommend but I do like to talk about stocks. I have heard good things about BXP but haven’t looked into them very much. They are an Office Reit, that if it is turning around might be good but I haven’t looked at their Affo or FFO. But I do see they have come back nicely. I am looking at the KRE right now for my wife’s portfolio but think we might see a bigger draw down and want to watch it. That might be a better way to play the regionals because banks, for me, are hard to figure out. To many ways for them to hide money.
