Medicaid Trainwreck Coming?…

Medicaid underlies a huge part of USAian health and economy. Chaos in health for impoverished people would be very nasty.

Medicaid depends on USA Federal gov to send money to States to accomplish the purposes of Medicaid, but only a very thin thread of law, dating back to the post civil war era, provides enforcement power. Some in Indiana are trying to keep the money and get rid of the need to do Medicaid.

"…In its years wending through the court system, the case has taken on a new dimension, eclipsing the alleged poor treatment of Mr. Talevski. Now, the Supreme Court could use it as a vehicle to shut down one of the only pathways to accountability that beneficiaries of federal spending programs like Medicaid have if states neglect their care.

“This case is to Medicaid what Dobbs was to abortion,” Sara Rosenbaum, professor of health law and policy at George Washington University’s school of public health, told TPM."

Chaos threatens, and if the appeal wins at SCOTUS the social and economic impacts could be significant. Checking your portfolio and potential buy lists might be a very prudent idea.

David fb


Sounds to me like maybe the federal Medicaid law is not very well-written.

That is not the fault of the states. Or of the federal agencies responsible for carrying out the law.

What’s Congress doing to fix the situation?


Sounds to me like maybe the federal Medicaid law is not very well-written.

Maybe, but that is also a red herring and an excuse for people to be bad. I’m sorry, but those Hoosiers politicians (I was born there) know what that money is for. They know who this will impact.




The failure of the USA Congress to write and revise laws has slowly evolved into a huge problem, one that past SCOTUS majorities “eased” by, so to speak, “loosening the waistband of the law”. The new majority is like a tailor who decides “these pants cannot be let out anymore”, and tells the client he has no choice but to go home in his underwear…

If so, then SCOTUS has chosen to force an enormous political showdown for control over a Congress that will be under huge pressure. I hope it does not get too exciting too fast.

The Federalist Society radicals seem to be leaping onto quite a tiger, and now we will see if they and their sponsors with their cohorts can ride it.

The macroeconomic effects will begin with injections of chaos.

david fb


I’m sorry, but those Hoosiers politicians (I was born there) know what that money is for. They know who this will impact.

They should use that money in the way that is (a) consistent with any strings attached and (b) best for their state as a whole.

There is disagreement regarding what strings are, and are not, attached.