February started out rough with the poor results from The Trade Desk, and had a couple good earnings reports from Mercadolibre and Crispr Theraputics, while my large Tesla position drifted down quite a bit lower than where we started the month.
As with all of my TMF posts, nothing that I post here is intended to be, or should be considered, investment advice. I post summaries of my investments and performance to help me think through and review how I manage my own portfolio and to participate in the great discussions on this board.
Here’s how things look cumulatively for 2025:
+3.1% YTD Jan
-17.9% YTD Feb
My portfolio is still very concentrated, particularly with an outsized large position in Tesla.
These were my positions at the end of February 2/28/25
Large/Oversized (TSLA) Tesla
Large (TTD) The Trade Desk
Medium (MELI) MercadoLibre
Medium (CRSP) Crispr Theraputics
Medium (MDB) MongoDB
Small (AMZN) Amazon
It is a very concentrated portfolio which I don’t generally prefer, but as of right now I don’t have many other companies that I have a high level of confidence in to allocate investment funds towards.
Note that a portion of my holdings includes December 2026 (TTD and TSLA) and June 2027 (TSLA*new) LEAP call options.
Mercadolibre and Crispr both moved ahead of MongoDB this month on the positive reaction to their strong earnings. This is the first time that Mongo hasn’t been among my top holdings in a few years. MDB reports this week so hopefully we’ll see something positive from them too.
Despite the big haircut that Trade Desk took after their weak earnings and guidance this month, it’s still in the #2 spot. This quarter was really disappointing and I’ve lost some confidence in TTD for sure, although I’ll likely hold on for a few more weeks until their Q1 earnings report and see if they show any signs of turning things around.
Tesla was the biggest contributor to the decrease in my portfolio this month, giving back much of the gains they had picked up at the end of 2024. Granted, TSLA shares are still up more than 30% over the past six months. With supervised full self driving launching this month in China (and more recently there are signs that it may become available in Europe soon!) and several other potential catalysts for Tesla expected in the next few months (robotaxi launch, new low priced vehicles, etc), I couldn’t resist and added some additional Tesla holdings to my already large stake.
I sold my Rubrik stake and sold about half of my Amazon shares, this month, pulling some of the funds out of the portfolio permanently and putting some of them into TSLA when those shares got cheaper late in the month.
I continue to believe that, if Tesla can perform well and succeed with their newer business segments, that the company could be worth much more in the future than it is today. So I am comfortable allowing it to be an outsized large portion of my portfolio.
Company Updates
I’ll keep it brief this month as I already wrote up a lot about my two largest holdings, Tesla and Trade Desk recently.
My latest thoughts were well covered during the discussion in the “Customer Confidence…” thread a little bit down board, so I won’t re-hash the details.
Ultimately if Tesla does unveil their new low cost vehicles during Q2 and launches the robotaxi service this summer as they have suggested, it should give the company a boost, with more big items expected to come a couple quarters later with possible volume production of Semi Trucks and Cybercabs expected to begin in late '25 or early 2026.
The Trade Desk (TTD)
I gave my thoughts on the Q4 results and earnings call in a reply to last month’s portfolio update.
Disappointing to see TTD miss their own internal targets for the first time in company history, and even more disappointing that I didn’t feel they could really communicate details of what exactly went wrong and the path to get it back on track. I still have a very low cost basis in my shares, so I’m willing to see how things look in the Q1 release and call before doing anything too drastic, but I could see myself reducing TTD significantly if I don’t regain optimism that they are on the right track.
MongoDB (MDB)
Mongo reports Q4 this wednesday. Last quarter, the initial earnings report and guidance was viewed positively and the shares moved up more than +10% before falling after the earnings call when analysts felt that some of the commentary going forward was too bearish. Will be interesting to see how the quarter actually played out.
Note Mongo calls the periods that mostly fall in 2024 as “fiscal 2025” because the year ends in Jan’25, but I have them labeled as 2024 below as I tend to think about them as taking place during that year:
MDB YoY growth
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
2020 46% 39% 38% 38%
2021 39% 44% 50% 56%
2022 57% 53% 47% 36%
2023 29% 40% 30% 27%
2024 22% 13% 22% 13%(q4 guide)
And MDB sequential growth
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
2020 6% 6% 9% 13%
2021 6% 9% 14% 17%
2022 7% 6% 10% 8%
2023 2% 15% 2% 6%
2024 -2% 6% 11% -2%(q4 guide)
Mercadolibre (MELI) and Crispr (CRSP)
Both MELI and CRSP had strong results in the quarter recently announced. Both stocks moved up sharply afterwards and have retreated back a bit since. These are two of the of the top companies that I would consider moving some additional funds into if more cash becomes available to invest if I sell other things in the near future.
Stock Performance
Here is the year to date performance of each of my current holdings. Also note that, if I invest in new companies that I didn’t own at the beginning of the year, this will only show the performance since I purchased them (none yet in 2025):
Dec 31 2024^ | Feb 28 2025 | YTD Gain | |
TSLA | 403.84 | 293.05 | -27.4% |
TTD | 117.53 | 70.29 | -40.2% |
AMZN | 219.39 | 211.96 | +3.4% |
MDB | 232.81 | 267.43 | +14.9% |
MELI | 1,700.44 | 2,121.87 | +24.8% |
CRSP | 39.36 | 43.92 | +11.6% |
^ For any companies I did not own prior to 2025 (none so far), the “December 31st” numbers above are not their 12/31/24 prices, but the stock price of my initial, most significant purchases during 2025.
Most of the shares I hold in TTD and MDB were purchased in 2018 and 2019 at much lower costs. The largest portion of my Trade Desk shares were purchased in January 2019 for $11.39 and are up +517%, while most of my MongoDB shares were purchased in July 2018 for $57.39 and are up +366% now.
That’s it for this month.
Thanks as always to Saul and everyone else that makes this board so great!