miscellaneous thoughts

I’ve come to the conclusion nobody knows what stocks the market is going to be happy with, with the insane volatility we’ve seen over the last couple weeks. I agree with Saul that our stocks have been doing better than the averages since the start of the year, and in most any other longer term comparison (although I don’t care for the single day comparisons, that’s so arbitrary, especially now, those could go either way on any given day, so aren’t very telling).

I’ve actually broadened my portfolio recently with some stocks that I was interested in but were too highly valued previously in my opinion, but have come down recently (DDOG and BYND), along with one that hasn’t come down, but just has too much seemingly going for it right now to ignore (ZM).

So I’ve increased the number in my portfolio from 14 to 17. Will continue adding to what I like, when I like (still have the flexibility of a lot of cash available from 401k rollover into IRA), and see what shakes out in the end once this crisis is abating. As others have stated, I think the market will start bouncing back before the crisis is deemed “over” and all looks rosie, so I continue to add, not knowing when the “bottom” is going to be. I’ll be happy to still be adding on the bounce on the other side if that’s the case, too. Will eventually get back to almost fully invested (I like around 10% cash).

Today I added to DDOG, LVGO, and new position BYND.
Monday I added to AYX, MDB, and CRWD
Before that, over the past couple weeks, have also added to TTD, STNE, OKTA, ROKU, TNDM, and SQ.

Still on my list to add more to are: ZM, STNE, TTD, and RDVT (would be new position).

I think in 6-12-24 months, I’ll be much happier with my portfolio and more financially secure, and if it takes longer, so be it!


I’ve come to the conclusion nobody knows what stocks the market is going to be happy with, with the insane volatility we’ve seen over the last couple weeks.

But some guesses are better than others! :wink:

My four coronavirus stocks:

EVBG - telenotification
TDOC - telemedicine
ZM - teleconferencing
DOCU - teledocuments


Denny Schlesinger


An overlooked Coronavirus stock could be Fastly? There will be an increased need for speed in a world where everyone and everything is using the internet.

I would also add Atlassian to the above list.


I would also add Atlassian to the above list.

I’m surprised TEAM isn’t more widely discussed here. Especially in our new reality of working in isolation. I love their software, it’s very easy to sell (no complex sales teams required), and should see relatively strong growth, even in a recession.