
I retire September 1. I’m finding it difficult to get motivated to go to work. To complicate the situation, I’m moving the first week of July and I got a puppy about 2 months ago.


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I retire September 1. I’m finding it difficult to get motivated to go to work. To complicate the situation, I’m moving the first week of July and I got a puppy about 2 months ago. – PSU


Sounds like you’re on a good path.

Moving far away? What kind of puppy? Exciting times. :slight_smile:

Former RB and BL Home Fool, Supernova Portfolio Contributor & Maintenance Fool
He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.

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Moving far away? What kind of puppy? Exciting times.

I’m moving about 10 miles south to the next town.

The puppy is a cavapoo. The mother is a 44 lb poodle and the dad is a 19 lb cavalier king charles. We we hoping for about a 30 lb dog. At 17 weeks, she was already 24.8 lbs. I think she’ll reach her mother’s size.


The puppy is a cavapoo. The mother is a 44 lb poodle and the dad is a 19 lb cavalier king charles. We we hoping for about a 30 lb dog. At 17 weeks, she was already 24.8 lbs. I think she’ll reach her mother’s size. – PSU


That’s a new one on me! I imagine it’ll be a fun companion.

I’m the… ummmm… grandfather… of a mini golden doodle. A really +great+ dog. Smart, friendly, doesn’t shed, rarely barks. Still puppy. Grandkids love her, as do mommy and daddy.

Former RB and BL Home Fool, Supernova Portfolio Contributor & Maintenance Fool
He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.

Heh. I’ve said “what are they gonna do…fire me?” several times over the past few months. When asked specifically for advice or help, I provide it. But otherwise I’m not taking a lot of initiative.

I think when you know you don’t need to work anymore, that’s when you realize how much you liked (or didn’t) your job. I think if I loved my job I would still be self-starting. But I only liked my job, so now I don’t really care.

Plus my company has been getting “big company syndrome”. We’ve grown a lot over 30 years, and it’s just not the same anymore. The culture is completely different, even though they continue to emphasize that culture that I was hired into. That culture is gone, and I think management is deluding themselves if they think it still exists.


"I retire September 1. I’m finding it difficult to get motivated to go to work. To complicate the situation, I’m moving the first week of July and I got a puppy about 2 months ago.


Not everyone can do everything at the same time.

I suggest getting the puppy used to a kennel - a fairly good sized one.
As far as motivation - you pretty much have to provide that from internal sources.
Yoou know the people involved at the office and either have respect for the people or
not. Then the feelings you have for yourself take over.
Then there is your view of contracts.

Life with puppies is great - but they tend to require a greater commitment than work.

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I drop my puppy off at puppy day care (my daughter’s house) 5 days a week.


I’m finding it difficult to get motivated to go to work.

Your eyes are bothering you and you just can’t see going to work?

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I drop my puppy off at puppy day care (my daughter’s house) 5 days a week.



And, you give her a Form-1099 @ the end of the Year, right?

a man whose DD doesn’t do “canine care”

;- )


Whenever I was near retirement, I got motivated by personal pride to create a legacy for my soon to be former co-workers and staff. For example, I formally documented much of my tribal knowledge.

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congrats on having a retirement date set.

Btw, how did you set the date? how long in advance did you plan for it?

I am contemplating retirement but I have not set a fixed date. I have thought of retiring early (in my forties) but never really did. I’m 54yol now and I have had some things happened in my life these past 2 years that made me think about spending more time with my family and about retirement more seriously.

I think I am ok financially to do so but I want to make sure. The other thing is more psychological (not have a job to go to), and trying to see how our lives would be after I do retire.

I feel like I could do it now or wait another year or two. But I am asking myself why would I wait? I think I’ve reached my career objectives and done what I wanted to do and I do need to move on.

Have you had to wrestle with that?



Time for an update…lol

How’s retirement treating you?

Are you having the time of your life?

You used to be motivated ?? :wink: