Improving and expanding electric transmission infrastructure in the U.S. is critical to ensuring consumers across the country have access to reliable, affordable power when and where they need it and to enable us to integrate new, clean sources of energy generation into the grid. To understand the transformation needed to ensure the U.S. electric transmission system continues to reliably serve the nation’s electricity customers as the power sector evolves and transitions to cleaner resources, the U.S. Department of Energy’s Grid Deployment Office led the multiyear National Transmission Planning Study (NTP Study) in partnership with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL).
Full Report
Each chapter of the final report for the National Transmission Planning Study is available to download as a separate PDF.
- Executive Summary describes the high-level findings from across all six chapters and next steps for how to build on the analysis.
- Chapter 1: Introduction provides background and context about the technical design of the study and modeling framework, introduces the scenario framework, and acknowledges those who contributed to the study.
- Chapter 2: Long-Term U.S. Transmission Planning Scenarios discusses the methods for capacity expansion and resource adequacy, key findings from the scenario analysis and economic analysis, and High Opportunity Transmission interface analysis.
- Chapter 3: Transmission Portfolios and Operations for 2035 Scenarios summarizes the methods for translating zonal scenarios to nodal-network-level models, network transmission plans for a subset of the scenarios, and key findings from transmission planning and production cost modeling for the contiguous United States.
- Chapter 4: AC Power Flow Analysis for 2035 Scenarios identifies the methods for translating from zonal and nodal production cost models to alternating current (AC) power flow models and describes contingency analysis for a subset of scenarios.
- Chapter 5: Stress Analysis for 2035 Scenarios outlines how the future transmission expansions perform under stress tests.
- Chapter 6: Conclusions describes the high-level findings and study limitations across the six chapters.
Glad to see the Department of Energy coming up with lots of money for grid upgrades and a roadmap for the next 10 years.