New SMR welding tech

Don’t know if this has been posted here before. From earlier this year:

Modular reactors have the potential to revolutionize the nuclear power industry by turning nuclear generating plants from major civil engineering projects to factory-produced commodities. Instead of being essentially one-offs, modular reactors have a standardized design, can be mass produced, installed in any number required to serve local needs, and don’t require the incredibly expensive buildings conventional reactors depend upon…

LEBW is a revolutionary method to weld two pieces of metal together using a high-energy density fusion process centered on a high-powered electron gun operating in a local vacuum. This melts and fuses components to one another and allows for an efficiency of 95%, deep penetration, and a high depth-to-width ratio.



That is great news. Now I wonder if they are going to deploy it into Robot welding machines? I think they would. Anything to speed up the process of placing nuclear reactors, of course in a safe manner.