Not heard of the Quantino before

Very brief effort before I gave up looking for a manufacturer site, but the story seems to be making the rounds from 2016.

Nanoflowcell’s Quantino Concept Could Go Into Production (

This avoids hydrogen, batteries, etc… Interesting, anyone know if it is true?


Ah, seems the issue is that the fuel is hard to produce, so they are only making it in a lab at this time…

nanoFlowcell - One who can do what no other can do

We eagerly anticipate the future, look forward to the arrival of a car that is no less than the best electric sports car ever. nanoFlowcell Holdings has already begun working on building the QUANTiNO twentyfive. The qualities of the new flow cell electric car can be summed up with the words “better, faster, further”.