OT:Mass Arrest of Protesters

A feeling of deja Vu has come over me.
I seem to recall this stuff went on 1965-1972 on college campuses. Mass arrests failed then and I suspect they will fail now. To complete the picture we now need a law and order candidate for the presidency.

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You mean the one arguing currently that they are above the law and immune from prosecution for breaking laws?


I have to give a lot of credit to the Speaker, Mike Johnson who recently said the following about the protests:

This is dangerous. This is not the First Amendment, this is not free expression,ā€¦

This is not an expression of the First Amendment. This is not an exchange of ideas. This is ā€” this is threats and intimidation of violenceā€¦

If this is not contained quickly and if these threats and intimidation are not stopped, there is an appropriate time for the National Guardā€¦

The responsibility of [the person in charge] is to keep peace ā€¦ and ensure the safety of [people]ā€” job number one. If theyā€™re incapable of doing that, they need different leadership. I think this is time for a really strong hand. [Not a] weak and inept leader. [Time] to resign in disgrace.

Oh! You are to be forgiven if you thought he was making those comments about the riots and violence of January 6th.


He canā€™t He is not an American citizen.

This is exactly what is protected under the First Amendment!
Because citizens realize that their leaders are ignoring them be it King George or a sitting president. And they refuse to just sit down and shut up.

While there has been a rise in hate speech on both sides of the protests, she said legitimate speech must be protected, and people must be allowed to express their political views.

Amen sister.

And a constituency that disdains higher education, and those who have a higher education. Especially when college student loans are a hot issue.
