Personal Finance Course Required in HS?

… but will they teach high school students about “the skim” and the corruption of the “job creators”?

Too many “retirement planning courses” are sales pitches for high commission annuities.

The gov’t sponsored, “non-partisan” SHIP seminars that provide Medicare insurance counseling to seniors are specifically-prohibited from telling attendees that “Medicare Advantage” is crap.

Personal finance class should be required in high school…

Critics of these types of programs argue they are a Band-Aid that hides the deeper problems in the U.S. financial industry where lower-income families and people of color are often preyed upon with high-fee products and, in some cases, face outright discrimination in accessing loans and other basic services. Personal finance classes are not a magic cure. But they should go hand in hand with efforts to reform the banking system to make it fairer for all. Giving young people a basic education in how the financial system works isn’t just about helping them avoid the worst options; it’s about helping them pick the best path.


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… but will they teach high school students about “the skim” and the corruption of the “job creators”?

Fat chance of bucking the mantra about “JCs”. One of the candidates for Gov in Michigan is running a TV ad that says “will not treat job creators as the enemy”, when the reality in this state has been the “JCs” have been showered with money, while others have seen their taxes raised and services cut to pay for the JC money shower.
