Pig Butchering Scams


From the link:

“Just be careful,” he said. “If something is too good to be true, you know, if some beautiful young woman is interested in an older man and, ‘Oh, you do this for me, and I’ll do this for you,’ you know? Run away. Because 99.9% of the time it’s gonna be a scam. And they’re very, very, very good.”

99.9%? I don’t think so. Pretty sure it’s 100.0%.

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I get propositioned by hookers on FB every day. FB must have them in some sort of jail, as I don’t get friend requests from them. The come-on starts a reply to a post on my page, or a reply to a comment I made to a post on another page: “I like your profile, send me a friend request”.

Once I retired, I had time to consider dating. Replied to one profile, and the answer started out “I actually don’t live in Detroit. I live in Ukraine. My mother and I want to come to America”.

Can’t help but wonder what women have been told about guys by their mothers, that they think guys are that gullible/desperate.


They wouldn’t keep doing it again and again and again if it didn’t work at least sometimes. That applies to all scams.


I know a fellow who is working on number three. The first wife was from the Ukraine, the second from China and he is currently working on a Thai.



I know of a bum who has married three Eastern European women. A lot of money he keeps buying prostitutes. He also is a rapist according to one civil court decision.

adding just realized some of you will think one thing but no this is a guy I heard of. Nothing to do with politics. It is someone else. LOL


Glad you have the detail “three” instead of two - otherwise, this may sound suspiciously like someone we all know.


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May god be with you.

I’m convinced more and more that she is.


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Love her as well.

20 times over

Hold your horses, does this mean a woman is to blame? LOL