“If you understand “skim rates” you can almost live tax free. But you have to exit the “wage & salary” tax regime as quickly as possible.”
Not everyone is willing to live a very low income life in retirement…driving a 16 year old car…probably not that far either…whose hobbies are mainly walking and low cost eating and saving money.
As for retirement savings, folks could just as easily buy BK stock that pays no annual dividends and just appreciates year after year without any tax, and then when sold gets cap gains rate.
If you’re making $500,000 a year as a ‘wealthy’ (high income) American, an extra $10,000 of savings a year is peanuts…
Since the average age of death keeps ratcheting up, especially if you don’t smoke, use alcohol to excess, do illicit drugs, you’ll be living to 90 and beyond before long. So you start tapping IRAs at 75. When you croak, your heirs if not your spouse, have to drain it all in ten years. Every penny at their marginal tax rates = likely already on top of their decent salaries as you put them through college as a ‘wealthy American’.
It was noted the bill is ‘revenue neutral’. Just more ‘tax the rich’ whine.
There has been a lot of 3 year periods where the market didn’t go roaring up in any 3 year period - say from age 72 to age 75.
SS full retirement age keeps creeping up , too. For a lot of folks it is age 66 and likely will climb even more.
If you let that money pile up in an IRA, you’ll have even bigger RMDs to worry about and by age 90, if you make it, have to be taking 10% a year from it and more in your 90s. If you make it and your heirs don’t have to drain it in just 10 years.
The government always wins in the end. It doesn’t die.