Russians looting Ukr grain…

**The U.N. says there is evidence that Russian troops are looting Ukrainian grain stocks.**
**by Nick Cumming-Bruce, The New York Times, 5/6/2022**

**The United Nations said on Friday that there was mounting evidence that Russian troops have looted stocks of Ukrainian grain and destroyed grain storage facilities, compounding the widespread destruction and suffering inflicted in the war. ... estimated that about 700,000 tons of grain had been taken...**

**Russian forces in the east “aimed to organize a famine,” Mr. Haidai said. That charge has a deep resonance in a country where millions died in 1933 in a man-made famine....** [end quote]

Vladimir Putin is going full-out Stalin.

In addition to starving the Ukrainians, this destruction of food will impact many countries that rely on Ukrainian food exports. Widespread famine could result.



Vladimir Putin is going full-out Stalin.

In addition to starving the Ukrainians, this destruction of food will impact many countries that rely on Ukrainian food exports. Widespread famine could result.

Tru dat!

BUT who will sell food to those Putin has robbed?

Maybe an investment opportunity there?

They are looting the museums of Ukrainian antiquities, too, trying to erase their history, but some are working to preserve, save things…

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