Saul Monthly Review links updated

I’ve updated the ‘Additional Information’ link on the right, with the most recent monthly updates from Saul on his monthly review.

If I miss PuddinHead’s blank template, someone email me, as I think that’s a great thing to add to the ‘Additional Information’ page.

Apologies for falling behind a bit on this, but I took another short term trip to Ethiopia, with my daughter this time. But now I’m back and have finally caught up on board posts.



Thanks FrickNFool! Nice to have a one location for the key info to reference since we don’t seem to be able to search the message boards for keywords.

…we don’t seem to be able to search the message boards for keywords.

The results from Google can sometimes be sufficient. A search for SWKS for an example:…


Thanks for the Google search tip. I hate to admit my ignorance, but I never knew you could use search parameters like that. Now let’s see if I can remember the format next time I want to do a search.

Some tricks I do remember and use when typing Google queries. One is putting something in double quotes, which means “this exact string”. Even more is putting - in front of a word to exclude it.

I don’t remember the format of the parameters such as site:. I let Google do that for me. Google used to have a link on their main page for their advanced search. I haven’t seen the link in years, but I have the shortcut:

Fill in the different bits that apply and it builds the search string with the special parameters. Exploring the advanced options is a great way to see what is possible when searching Google.

(I would have done better in my sample if I used


Here is a link to a Google ‘Hacking’ Pocket Reference Guide:…

I use it all the time, I printed it out and it’s hanging by my monitor. It is also called ‘dorking’ and can be used on most search engines.



Thanks for the Google search tip. I hate to admit my ignorance, but I never knew you could use search parameters like that. Now let’s see if I can remember the format next time I want to do a search.- David

Me neither, David, but I wouldn’t dream of relying on my memory. I copied the search title he used and saved it on a document on my computer so I can find it next time.

Yes. Thanks RH. I also had no idea you could search MF boards on Google. Great time saving tip!

I should have noted that the Google search I used only works on the public boards such as this one. The paid boards are not available to Google’s search engine. However the paid boars have their own search feature.