I’ve updated the ‘Additional Information’ link on the right, with the most recent monthly updates from Saul on his monthly review.
If I miss PuddinHead’s blank template, someone email me, as I think that’s a great thing to add to the ‘Additional Information’ page.
Apologies for falling behind a bit on this, but I took another short term trip to Ethiopia, with my daughter this time. But now I’m back and have finally caught up on board posts.
Thanks for the Google search tip. I hate to admit my ignorance, but I never knew you could use search parameters like that. Now let’s see if I can remember the format next time I want to do a search.
Some tricks I do remember and use when typing Google queries. One is putting something in double quotes, which means “this exact string”. Even more is putting - in front of a word to exclude it.
I don’t remember the format of the parameters such as site:. I let Google do that for me. Google used to have a link on their main page for their advanced search. I haven’t seen the link in years, but I have the shortcut:
Fill in the different bits that apply and it builds the search string with the special parameters. Exploring the advanced options is a great way to see what is possible when searching Google.
(I would have done better in my sample if I used site:boards.fool.com.)
Thanks for the Google search tip. I hate to admit my ignorance, but I never knew you could use search parameters like that. Now let’s see if I can remember the format next time I want to do a search.- David
Me neither, David, but I wouldn’t dream of relying on my memory. I copied the search title he used and saved it on a document on my computer so I can find it next time.
I should have noted that the Google search I used only works on the public boards such as this one. The paid boards are not available to Google’s search engine. However the paid boars have their own search feature.