FYI: In Fidelity’s “Retirement Planning” section, they provide the following recommendation pertaining to the amount of savings a person should have at various ages or stages in their career:
Fidelity’s guideline: Aim to save at least 1x your salary by 30, 3x by 40, 6x by 50, 8x by 60, and 10x by 67.
Factors that will impact your personal savings goal include the age you plan to retire and the lifestyle you hope to have in retirement. [Emphasis added.]
DW and I have unwittingly met their recommended savings goals. However, it would have been very helpful to have the above savings guideline firmly in our minds when we were newlyweds almost 40 years ago.
I personally find Fidelity’s entire website too “rich in information,” too poorly indexed, and completely lacking in a useful search tool.
For instance, yesterday I somehow stumbled on a fantastic “Net Worth” calculator interface. However, this morning when I went back to try and add some entries and adjust some figures, there was absolutely no way to find the same tool again.
Hit-and-miss retirement planning tools that are not indexed are almost completely useless to me. I need to find my way back to where I left off whenever interacting with a complex website such as theirs.
In any event, their recommended savings goal is the kind of information a young person needs to have when they first embark on a career, with reminders every couple of years so that they can play catch-up as necessary when it is not too late.
Baby Boomers are retiring by the thousands every day and only a fraction of them have saved the amount that Fidelity says they should have. Only by practicing some degree of deferred gratification and making a few important decisions can help people to meet their own savings needs.
Thanks to COVID-19’s thinning the herd - resulting in some pretty sizeable wealth transfers “prematurely,” some lucky young people will find themselves with windfalls from unvaccinated grandpas’ estates. Nonetheless, it would behoove young people to keep in mind benchmarks such as Fidelity’s saving recommendations so that they will be in a position to retire in relative comfort when they get old like us.