SE - Blowout Earnings

Sea (SE) is a leading Southeast Asian gaming and e-commerce company listed on the NYSE. Tencent owns 33% of the company. Earnings were released today - growth of 194% YoY.

The CEO has stated that he thinks Sea can became a 100B business (current market cap is 10B).

GroupTotal adjusted revenue was US$578.8 million, up 193.8% year-on-year from US$197.0 million for the first quarter of 2018 and up 48.7% quarter-on-quarter from US$389.3 million for the fourth quarter of 2018. :…


Yep - been tracking this for the last year. Their push behind Shoppee is incredible. They have stolen all the growth from Ali Baba’s Lazada in SE Asia in the last year. Plus they are in gaming and fintech.


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