Should Private Equity Control Nurse Ratio?

One way to goose Executive Compensation in health care is to reduce nurse staffing. Nurses are typically the highest labor cost of running a hospital.

There are calls for the Gov’t to set minimum nurse/patient ratios, just as the FAA requires pilots to have adequate sleep before they take control of an aircraft.…



Nurses seem to be in short supply in some areas:

Judge allows Wisconsin Hospital to prevent its AT-WILL employees from accepting better offers at a competing hospital by granting injunction to prevent them from starting new positions on Monday. How is this legal? We should be able to work wherever we want!!! Hospitals do not own Us!!!…

Nurses seem to be in short supply in some areas:

Having an abundance of unvaccinated “free-dumb” lovers will do that.


There are calls for the Gov’t to set minimum nurse/patient ratios…

There are already guidelines.…

To participate in Medicare you are required to have appropriate nurses (of all levels).

What I saw during my career, administration would take patient census a few hours before shift change to get an idea of what they would need for the oncoming shift, and set staffing fairly appropriately. If you were on a unit that required 1:4 staffing and you had 9 patients, you got 2 nurses. Wouldn’t get 3 until you had 11 patients.

The biggest issue, some places could be totally quiet. Like Labor & Delivery you could go from 0 patients to 10 patients in an hour and the majority be high risk. Administration would often staff skeleton crew when they saw a low census and hope to call in extra with the inevitable emergency hit the floor.


Judge allows Wisconsin Hospital to prevent its AT-WILL employees from accepting better offers at a competing hospital by granting injunction to prevent them from starting new positions on Monday.

Sounds like a great way to push nurses to take the leap into a traveling nurses program and go work in another state. Unintended consequences.



Judge allows Wisconsin Hospital to prevent its AT-WILL employees from accepting better offers at a competing hospital by granting injunction to prevent them from starting new positions on Monday.

Sounds like a great way to push nurses to take the leap into a traveling nurses program and go work in another state. Unintended consequences.

“You mean I can’t resign from my job here and go work in a different hospital? Okay. I’ll resign my job here and go work in a restaurant for a week, then resign my job there and go work in a different hospital.”

Don’t get too excited about this ruling. Turns out the judge made a temporary ruling last Thursday to prevent seven employees from leaving their jobs today Monday. However, the employees presented evidence that the hospital had been given sufficient notice and had chosen not to equal their new offer. The judge lifted the order earlier today.….…


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