I realize you are excited to discover a new source of stock ideas and strategy in this board. But you first appeared here a week ago, and a quick check shows you posted 23 of the last 100 messages, and 43 posts since you started here on 7/4. This is already a high volume board with a lot of frequent contributors and hundreds of readers, but this volume of posting from you makes the chaff-to-wheat ratio of the board quite high. Compare this to Saul himself, who has posted 24 times since 7/4, more like 18 without rule posting or enforcing.
Might I suggest you slow down, and soak up some of the knowledge of this board? You don’t have to contribute endless new ideas immediately - there are 10 stocks right there ready for you in the posted portfolios, plus another 10 more on the periphery from there. There are hundreds of top rated posts you can go over from the past YTD alone of this board, including other new ideas from contributors (and where you can see the preferred format for introducing new ideas). I myself studied the board for nearly a year before hopping in. It’s great stuff.
You have started a great thread about looking at Saul stock performance since Sept was particularly interesting (though I’ll note, you never posted your graph so it was Matt’s chart later in the thread that was of most interest to me). But you’ve already been chided about screens and have done plenty of other newbie poster mistakes like making your whole post fixed width, and you seem to be replying to every single response you get with another new post. There is an option to “Email reply to the author” (as mentioned in board rules) if you want to give thanks or banter OT.
So please do contribute – but if you are getting chided this soon (and in all caps) by the board leaders, take it as a sign to slow down and figure out the rules. Before you do anything else, please read the Monday Rules and the New User Guide posts that just came through since 7/1. Start here: https://discussion.fool.com/for-board-newcomers-34245478.aspx
I’m not a board admin here but am a 20 year user of these Foolish forums. Hogging nearly 1/4 (23/100 posts) of the bandwidth of this board for the past few days is not acceptable to me, so I personally am going to mute your posts for now because of it.
If you are feeling dumped on (you’ve gotten snippy to me and JAF in posted replies that are in any way critical of your posts), know that this is a common problem that eager new users to this board have had before… and is one that is easily corrected by absorbing the New User Guide linked above.
Your message would be a lot classier, IMO, muji, if you had emailed it privately to the OP. I really dislike being called out in a public forum, and I doubt I’m alone. In addition, I’m tired of reading stuff like this.
Thanks so much Muji for your intelligent, measured, calm, and reasonable intervention. We (myself, and the other board managers) appreciate your help with this. We did try off board.
Thanks again,
Best wishes,
Your message would be a lot classier, IMO, muji, if you had emailed it privately to the OP. I really dislike being called out in a public forum, and I doubt I’m alone.
Hi Raptor,
I guess you didn’t realize that you were doing exactly what you accused muji of doing (posting your message on the board instead of privately off-board in an email), but his post to Magellan was thought out, respectful, and full of information and guidance, while you were just in attack mode, which we really try not to do on this board.
Please try to cooperate,
muji might have saved MQ from a flooded inbox of the same input, most of it probably less eloquent.
I don’t post much here mostly because I’m not able to add much of value. The signal-noise ratio on this board is extraordinary. Thanks to all of you who make it so.
Good grief. My one post of the month and you need to accuse me of being in attack mode? Also, the original post was in public, and that’s why my response to muji (and you) was/are too.
I guess I could cut down my posts to once or twice a year. Would that suffice, Saul?
Your message would be a lot classier, IMO, muji, if you had emailed it privately to the OP. I really dislike being called out in a public forum, and I doubt I’m alone. In addition, I’m tired of reading stuff like this.
Good grief. My one post of the month and you need to accuse me of being in attack mode?
Raptor, Sounds like attack mode to me, and you did the same thing you accused muji of (and which you say you dislike), you called him out in a public forum, and the number of posts in a month have nothing to do with whether it’s attack mode or not, and while muji was courteous and made positive suggestions in his note you just attacked, and if you are not happy with our rules about courtesy, no one is forcing you to follow the board or to post on it, but if you want to post on the board you need to follow the rules of the board, or your posts will be deleted.
Guys,Guys. Cool down. I am the “cause” of this thread and had decided to not post any more on this board. But I will post this one last just to cool things down. I think you can all just forget the whole thing, ok? I seemed to have caused enough trouble and don’t want to impair relationships on this board. I truly appreciate Dan’s statements even though we do not know each other. I also appreciate what Saul has created here. So give yourselves a virtual handshake and forget this issue with me