State unfunded liabilities

How short depends on the state and how you measure the amount of the shortfall. In October 2018, Bloomberg’s Danielle Moran tallied the total liabilities and the funded portion that applies to each state’s public employee pension funds…

% Funded
35.8% New Jersey
38.4% Illinois
43.8% Connecticut

96.2% Tennissee
100% South Dakota
103% Wisconsin



Gee, DB. Why didn’t you include the worst in the country on that list?

Here is the entire five worst:

  • Kentucky (33.9%)*
  • New Jersey (35.8%)*
  • Illinois (38.4%)*
  • Connecticut (43.8%)*
  • Colorado (47.1%)*



Some of the rankings have changed since that article was published 3 years ago. Va is now 88 percent funded partly with the help of stingy inflation adjustments.

CT is in the throws of major state planning right now. Our other problem is affordable housing. Unless we build a lot more we will have a lot fewer younger workers. People can not afford to live here.

As the industrial base heats up our public employee pension fund liability will be met over the next ten to fifteen years. I am not worried about that.

KY needs to worry a lot about that because the state is very poor and managed to remain poor. Using people in coal mines is the goal.

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I did, in that it depends upon the metrics one uses. I just copied the top and bottom states from their graph.
" The residents of two states have good news. Both Wisconsin and South Dakota have fully funded their state employee pensions, where Wisconsin has actually overfunded it by $518 per state resident.

Unfortunately, 48 other states would require each of their residents to pay more out of their pocket to cover their unfunded public employee pension liabilities. Going by this measure, the five states worst off include:

  • New Jersey ($16,009)
  • Illinois ($10,707)
  • Connecticut ($9,933)
  • Alaska ($9,733)
  • Colorado ($9,722)"


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