Steve203's nightmare plus this guy has been voting illegally


Apparently non-citizens can also be eligible.

SSI and SSDI are disability.

Some noncitizens may qualify for SSI. However, the SSI eligibility requirements are different from those for Social Security benefits.

I saw that too, today. Posted a followup article about SS clawing back money it has decided people received wrongly.

“Plan Steve to save Social Security” has been amended: sign anyone up for SS, with minimal documentation requirements, and tax them their entire working lives. But, when they try to claim the benefits they paid for, then make extreme demands they prove they are citizens. Apply this “reform” retroactively, so old phartz that have already been collecting for years, like me, who don’t have paperwork out the wazoo proving their citizenship, would not only have their benefits terminated, SS would demand they pay back every penny of SS benefits they have received, and pay back every penny of claims that Medicare paid for them. SS may “recover” so much money from Proles that it will cover another tax cut for the “JCs”.


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Yes, they can draw Social Security benefits. He was legally in the US and worked 10+yrs in the US to become qualified for them. Then he returned to his home country.

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This is what the page at the link given above says:

Lawfully present noncitizens of the United States who meet all eligibility requirements can qualify for Social Security benefits. This rule also applies to noncitizens authorized to work in the United States who got a Social Security number after December 2003. For more information visit our Immigration page.

As the guy thought he was a citizen, he probably did not have a green card, or any other documents showing he was an alien in the US “lawfully”. I would suspect the same treatment for anyone else who thinks he is a native born citizen, but doesn’t have the paperwork to prove it. “No papers? You will be tossed in a concentration camp pending deportation. And kiss goodbye to all that money you paid into SS.”

A few years ago, PBS ran a piece about the Berlin Brownies. The piece mentioned that, in the late 30s, some massive portion of the German Federal budget, something like 25%, was paid for with the assets seized from “undesirables” that were run out of the country.



We could definitely go there in 2025.

We could definitely go there in 2025.

We have a “thought leader” plainly stating he will deport millions of people. A lot of those people are working, with either real or fake SS numbers, and paying into SS. Toss the illegals, and the government pockets the SS money. If a few million more people, native born USians, who can’t prove they are citizens, can be scooped up in the dragnet, tossed out of the country, and their SS accounts seized as well.

Glad I got my papers in order before the rush.



I might evacuate to Ireland. See what my wallet looks like. But bugging out would be best.

Our thought leader will be into extermination in no time.

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You saw the pardon the other day. Kill someone based on racist issues and get a pardon. Women and minorities take note.

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You saw the pardon the other day. Kill someone based on racist issues and get a pardon. Women and minorities take note.

I don’t think I had heard of that one. I presume you are talking about this case?

We old phartz remember the “Greensboro massacre”. A group of demonstrators were protesting the Klan. Several car loads of Klansmen and Berlin Brownies drove up, and gunned down several of the demonstrators. In broad daylight. In full view of a local TV news film crew, that was rolling film. “Not guilty” the jury said “self defense”.