The executive branch of the government contains numerous agencies which interpret and apply sometimes vague laws that are passed by Congress. These agency regulations have a tremendous impact on individual companies and the Macro economy as a whole.
Agencies include an alphabet soup including the EPA, FDA, FAA, OSHA and many more. Many companies were put out of business in the 1970s by EPA regulations because the pollution controls were so costly that the companies couldn’t make a profit.
Companies have been pushing back against agency regulation for decades but the 1984 case, Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council, provided a precedent to support agency authority to regulate – the so-called “Chevron Deference.”
Here is the heart of Chevron Deference: “If the intent of Congress is clear, that is the end of the matter; for the court, as well as the agency, must give effect to the unambiguously expressed intent of Congress,” Justice John Paul Stevens wrote for a 6-0 court in the 1984 opinion. But “if the statute is silent or ambiguous with respect to the specific issue,” he said that courts should defer to reasonable interpretations by the agency charged with implementing the law.
The Supreme Court has just overruled the Chevron Doctrine. This could have a massive impact on the Macro economy and the markets. There have been 70 Supreme Court decisions relying on Chevron, along with 17,000 in the lower courts. Will this unleash a tsunami of court challenges?
Supreme Court Pares Back Federal Regulatory Power
Justices abandon 1984 precedent giving agencies leeway to interpret their own powers
By Jess Bravin, The Wall Street Journal, June 28, 2024
The Supreme Court upended the federal regulatory framework in place for 40 years, expanding the power of federal judges to second-guess agency decisions over environmental, consumer and workplace safety policy among other areas…
By abandoning the doctrine called Chevron deference, the justices have given parties unhappy with agency decisions more opportunities to overturn regulations by persuading federal judges that agency officials exceeded their authority. … [end quote]
Here is more on the topic.
It will take time for the eventual outcome of this stunning decision to unfold. It’s not like company managers will thumb their noses at government regulators today, necessarily. Or will they?
The number of regulations issued by government agencies is mind-boggling. They are listed in the Code of Federal Regulations which has its own Office of the Federal Register to keep track of them.
Does today’s Supreme Court decision nullify all of them? Today? Or must each separate regulation be dragged through the courts to decide?
This will be a field day for the lawyers!
And what about the public (environment, workers, consumers, etc.) that the regulations are designed to protect?