Maybe if they hit their stated delivery targets for cars on time, I would…
Just take everything Elon says with a healthy dose of salt. He was explicit that the target dates for production of the Model 3 were internal targets that would only be hit if everything went perfectly. He also pointed out that with thousands of different parts to produce, it was impossible that everything would go perfectly.
So, anyone who’s listened carefully should be unsurprised that the target dates for 1000/week production, or whatnot, have been missed. A few months lag behind those internal targets should be expected. It’s a matter of judgement about how much lag is acceptable, but as long as they are within 6 months I wouldn’t worry. Getting all the way to 5,000 cars per week will be a tall order and I wouldn’t be surprised if that takes a year or more.
After the Semi and Roadster introduction, and with non-employees able to order the 3, there is a lot of excitement in the air, and I expect Tesla will exploit it with additional capital raises soon. Cue up another couple billion, at least, for Tesla to add Model Y and other endeavors.