Criteo and other ad tech firms took Google’s search-ad business model to display ads; advertisers bid in auctions to show ads and Criteo only charges them when a consumer clicks. Criteo’s business is dependent on being able to buy lots of ad space across the Web at one price and sell it to advertisers at a higher price after targeting the ads to individual consumers and as long as that leads to sales on advertisers’ sites. Criteo was among the first firms to employ “retargeting” techniques so that a person who looked at a shirt on a clothing retailer’s site, for instance, will later see ads for that shirt on other sites.
Google now competes head-to-head with Criteo, and its retargeting business is among the fastest-growing in Google’s display business, bringing in well north of $100 million in annual revenue, according to a person briefed on the matter. Facebook also is expected to become a strong competitor to Criteo over time.…