Today's price! BRK UP

We sold some BRK for living expenses just before this run up.

So, “we moved the price up😜”

You are welcome,




You do what you have to… but if you are planning further sales… wait for some time… this move up has some more leg…


How will selling bump up the price ?

ha ha,… that was a kind of self-deprecating joke about not knowing when to sell for the most profit…

Flirting with all time high.

This is not normal. PBV is high (1.62).

$T market cap.

I am going to sell some today

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I know most Berkshire folks are anchored on the book value… but if you can for a moment take your glaze from that…

If you compare the performance of Berkshire with XLF and $KIE (insurance ETF), you will see the performance is almost similar.

Separately I think XLF will run some more, meaning, I think Berkshire rally has some more legs, it is not showing any weakness.

BRK business progress and stock price is moving in opposite directions. Nothing has happened in last 12 months to warrant this move.

It may be that the cumulative stock price underperformance is now catching up to it right valuation (PBV is understated intrinsic value ?).

I am continuing to slowly sell.

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