Top 5 things your Medicare Advantage sales agent won't tell you

Hey Aj,
Can she get a 90 day or 180 day supply in California?


I think it’s a drug that needs to be administered in an office, not something that can be dispensed. So, probably not.


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I’m aware that those who have Kaiser’s Senior Advantage MA plan in one state can transfer it to another state when they move, if the plan is offered there. But its interesting that two states with the same MA plan could have different coverages, at least as relates to a single medication. Is this change due only to Kaiser’s coverage or is it due to a difference in state rules for coverage?

No idea. That’s why I suggested that she contact SHIP (State Health Insurance Assistance Program) in both states.



I’m glad to hear that about Kaiser. We’ve had employer Kaiser plans for years, and I don’t really want to change when my husband retires (if he ever does).