Below you will find a portion of post #102219 from the NPI board. The poster has a tech back ground and raises questions about if Twilio’s solutions are maybe more easily replicated that I thought and also questioning their price points.
A while back a poster on this board link to a Twilio presentation and when I learned that Twilio can basically replace a call center with all the associated wiring and hardware by doing the same work in the cloud I was impressed.
I think Twilio’s solutions may not be so easy to replicate and that they are grabbing all the market share they can to get customers hooked.
Interested in what more insightful articulate posters have to say.
I have designed contact center products as a technologist and had teams of contact center developers report to me as an IT executive. I have seen many companies large and small offer very similar solutions to what I perceive Twilio offers. What I have not seen is the price points Twilio offers the services.
Perhaps I am looking at this company through the wrong lenses. However the negative margins suggest otherwise.
I have looked at their pricing and I am amazed at how they can deliver a high quality solution for their published rates. Perhaps they are pricing to get market share with the prospects of raising rates once they get customers hooked. If this is truly their approach, and I have no knowledge that it is, the problem they will have is once they raise rates they could have many competitors.
Kindest Regards,