UAB employs 20 percent of the state

** Of a record $774.5 million in federal funding in 2022 more than $400 million came from the NIH, and the school has remained in the top 1 percent of all NIH-funded institutions, public or private, UAB has said.**

Looks like someone just found out.


Yeah there was a more general report on this on NPR today. 60% of funds go to research. People do not understand why the government adds about 40% to cover University costs. There are university costs. The government negotiates those costs.

But TI knows best at all times.

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A farmer in Tennessee was complaining about the Inflation reduction act being cut after he was awarded a contract and already bought what he needed to fulfill it. It was pretty sad because he might lose the farm. People are starting to find out.


Katie Britt going to be “breathlessly” placing a call to Musk to make sure none of that woke spending on health research in her State gets cut. But hypocrites gonna hypocrite, lol.


My sister with MIT wrote us an email. The universities are suing. MIT stands to lose $35 million per year that goes into the infrastructure for research at the university. That is an impossible loss. Lives depend on the money. Innovation in our economy depends on it. And more.


Maybe the universities can make it up with football? That is what the mob says they want.



This is a nonissue for the mob. This a sudden issue the mob did not expect.

Ignoring court orders is the issue. The country is going to have a problem with this.

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MIT, like Caltech, brilliantly feteshizes not performative non-jockness.

A screaming orange football…

I thought MIT had a football team? Caltech disbanded their team years ago. But the mob wants it’s circuses. The big powers like U of M and Ohio State need more teams to play, to provide more circuses.


The schools big and small can not make up $35 million with sports.

In another thread we were discussing fractions…

20% of the state? There are 2.2 million employees in Alabama. 20% would be 440,000. In the linked article we read that “The university, which employs 28,000 people…”

28,000/2,200,000 = 1.2%