War & shipping

Not comprehensive, but one shipping analyst does a reasonable job while opining on several shipping sectors - containers, product tankers, dry bulk


The useful data points is where the analyst can offer a differentiating factor e.g. Star Bulk (SBLK), having over 90% of all their 125+ vessels (smaller vessels, larger vessels) with scrubbers installed.
The Russia-Ukraine war has coincided with several shipping companies reporting the Q4 2021 results. A lot of the companies have reported great Q4 2021 results (Thanks SBLK, GNK, ZIM) so how to differentiate between the war effect and the dividend effect?

On a related note, over on SeekingAlpha, some ZIM related articles have taken on some bizarre conspiracy comments after ZIM shares traded ex-div earlier this week. ZIM is an Israeli based company that has a 25% tax withholding on dividends. Don’t think the ZIM shock will be complete until the dividend pay date when ZIM owners ex-div date end up $12.75/sh payout rather than $17.

Mr Giveans gets dinged some points for not mentioning LNG shipping. Many Western European countries, in particular, Germany, have a significant dependency on Russia for natural gas.