If only it were that easy there would no obesity epidemic. I’ve been researching the subject for a very long time to overcome my own obesity and I’m down to close to my late teen weight having shed over 50 pounds. I did try some fad diets which didn’t work. Once I learned more about the causes of obesity I was able to change to a healthy lifestyle.
Lesson 1: Forget about willpower, it simply does not work for most people, for good reasons. As a friend used to say, “the only thing I cannot resist is temptation.” The temptation is hunger pangs. Animals in the wild will starve when there is food shortage but they will not become obese when there is abundance, instead they will procreate more. Humans do the opposite, when rich they get fat and birth rate drops. Note that I wrote above, “Animals in the wild.” Domesticated animals do get as fat as their owners! Clearly there is something more powerful than willpower at work.
Lesson 2: A healthy body in the wild knows when to eat and when to fast. Ruminants graze all the time because their food is very low in calories and nutrients. Predators (lions and snakes) do the opposite, after a big meal they lie down to rest. Hibernators overeat in the Fall to survive the Winter in synchrony with fruit bearing plants. Nature works in mysterious ways!
Lesson 3: Humans upset nature. Until the advent of fire there was not much difference between humans and other animals. With the advent of fire, cooking, and other processes human digestion was partly exported to these novel technologies. With agriculture food balance shifted from animals to plants. According to archeologists humans shrunk a bit in body and brain size.
Lesson 4: With industrialized food we really screwed up upsetting all the natural stimuli. Early on food was about nourishment. Industrial food is about profits, make it cheaply and create temptation, dependency, and addiction. Damn the consequences.
Lesson 5: The drug and medical industries love pandemics, profits forever.
Lesson 6: The odds are stacked against us but to get healthy we need to get back closer to nature. We need to eat more like our prehistoric ancestors, not an easy task with so many temptations. The secret is to stop eating stuff that is artificially tempting. I hadn’t eaten bread for years but when I (tried to) make dill pickles I bought a couple of ‘gems’ (bread rolls) to start the fermentation process. I only used half of one and ate the other half spread with butter. It tasted like manna from heaven, temptation on steroids!
Lesson 7: The cure starts at the supermarket and at the grocery stores, don’t buy anything that is highly processed which means most everything in pretty packages. Read the labels, avoid sugars and chemicals, avoid seed oils. After you eliminate all this garbage what is left is mostly meats, fish, and veggies. The one ‘veggie’ to buy with discretion is sweet fruit which contain fructose that bears use to get fat for the Winter’s hibernation season.
Results? Stay healthy and save money on food, medication, and doctors.
The Captain