Also, my trusty old Dell Inspiron with a two-core Core i5 7200U routinely exceeds 70 degrees C and the fans feel no need to bother turning on, all with no ill effects. This is why I find that a mere few degrees over 35 triggering the fans on the IdeaPad is quite ridiculous!
Oh, and one more thing: whenever I log in again via Windows Hello after the laptop has locked the machine, the fans immediately rev up, only to turn off 10 seconds later. And checking the CPU temp at that time it’s only been in the lower 30s!
Perhaps you have tried this already and I missed it but, many modern BIOS have fan speed control built into them. I have always set up customized fan speed/ temp curves for my PCs in their BIOS.
I Googled “how to control Lenovo fan speed in BIOS” and got this hit. It describes entering BIOS and going to the “System Monitor” section and then into the “CPU Fan Speed Control”. You can then switch form automatic to manual and set the desired RPM speed of your fans as a percentage of the total fan RPMs. There may even be other fan control aspects in your particular BIOS.
How to increase the Fan Speed on a Lenovo Laptop? by Suzain Baxter - Issuu.
Give it a try if you have not already.
Thanks. I have already looked in the BIOS hoping to find fan-related controls, but it seems that the latest Lenovo laptop BIOSes are crippled out-of-the-box (for user protection I’m sure
). There might be some secret way to “unlock” advanced BIOS settings but I have yet to try it. It seems like a long shot even though a poster in the following reddit thread said it worked for him (over a year ago) on an IdeaPad 5, which is at least the same model as what I have. Reddit - Dive into anything Here is the meat of the incantation:
Power off the laptop. Power button to turn on → F2 to enter the normal BIOS → Power button to turn off → then press the following keys in sequence:
F1 → 1 → Q → A → Z
F2 → 2 → W → S → X
F3 → 3 → E → D → C
F4 → 4 → R → F → V
F5 → 5 → T → G → B
F6 → 6 → Y → H → N
Power button to turn on → F2 to enter the BIOS which should now have an “Advanced” tab
Maybe if you also burn some incense and sprinkle salt in circle around your laptop, it might be worth a try. 
Then again this is just the kind of thing that computer engineers enjoy putting into systems just for the heck of it.
Maybe if you also burn some incense and sprinkle salt in circle around your laptop, it might be worth a try. 
Oh – don’t forget the goat’s blood!
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