Year-End Self Review

Just over a year of learning how to take control of my own investments, it is time to step back and give myself a critique to find out what I can learn from my own successes and mistakes. I provide this here for my own edification and your amusement. All feedback is welcome!

For reference, here is my six month self review:…

Investing Goal:

My primary goal in investing in stock is a higher total portfolio return than I could get investing in index funds. My reasoning for this is simple: If I do not have a higher return than the index funds I would invest in, why bother spending the time to invest in individual stocks?

This means my real target is a mixture of two vanguard mutual funds:

Fund   % Portfolio  INDEX
=====  ===========  =======
VFIAX      30%      S&P 500
VSMAX      70%      CRSP1C  (small-cap index)

That mixture would have been my starting point at the year and the allocation for new money coming in, but no rebalancing would have occurred. This gives a real number to compare my results against to evaluate if I am wasting my time or if investing in stock has a real benefit in my life.

My Performance:

Portfolio:  **+9.72%**
S&P 500  :  +9.54%
CRSPS1C  : +16.44%
Target   : **+14.55%** (adjusted for deposits)

I am satisfied with these results. I did not meet my own target criteria, however this was my first year taking full control of my own investing choices instead of simply trusting in index funds. This year also was a wild mix of good and bad investment events. Some of these I navigated to my benefit, others I ignored or miscalculated the potential impact.

It is also worth noting that until November, I had exceeded my target for most of the year, sometimes by a significant margin.

Year-End Portfolio Allocation

Stock   Portfolio %
======= ===========
LGIH      16.9%
SWKS      12.3%
VFIAX     10.8%
SKX        7.5%
VSMAX      6.4%
BLL        4.7%
SHOP       4.4%
CASY       4.4%
MIDD       4.2%
PAYC       4.0%
BRK.B      3.9%
UBNT       3.7%
HUBS       3.7%
SBNY       3.6%
AMZN       3.6%
SSNI       3.0%
SNCR       2.5%
INFN       2.1%
ANET       1.8%
======= ===========
TOTAL    **103.6%**

The total value greater than 100% represents use of margin.

Lessons Learned

With that out of the way, here are my thoughts on my own investment actions this year. What was good, what was bad and
what I can learn from both. (This what I see as I look back today and not a comprehensive list for the year)

Be quicker to get out when the story changes (INFN, SKX, SNCR)

My single biggest mistake this year was not getting out of INFN and SKX when the story changed. INFN was my #1 position at one point and I rode that entire position all the way down through three consecutive loosing quarters. No excuses. I should have sold after the first quarter showed my reason for investing does not match the current expectations for the company.

SKX has not been nearly as bad of a loss, however the stock has changed and it has been clear for a long time now there is no reason to hold the stock. My reasoning is the exact same as Saul’s, however I was slower to reach that conclusion and even now have only sold a portion of my investment.

SNCR was very kind to me with high returns this year but the story has changed as has been analyzed by this board. However, yet again I have been slow to sell.

(Harsh reality check: If not for my losses in INFN and SKX I would likely have easily made my investment target)

Don’t sell too quickly on bad news (INFN, SKX)

INFN has dropped as low as $7.23 and I held my full position at that time. I knew I needed to sell this stock as I saw no long-term growth. However, I also so no reason for a price quite that low either so I stayed with my full position. A month later I sold the majority of my INFN investment at $9.10 for a 25.86% gain over the low point.

SKX dropped to $18.98 at about the same time. Again, I knew I should not hold long term but it also seemed this was an overreaction. This time I even bought additional shares near $20. I sold half my position a month later at $26 for a gain of 36.84% over the low point.

I am satisfied with my decision in both cases. The only improvement I could have made would have been to sell my entire position at the noted points.

Don’t buy large positions, let positions become large through growth (INFN, SKX, LGIH)

I still consider my initial investments in INFN and SKX to be good choices given what I knew at the time. However, I did make a mistake in buying a very large position rather right away. In order to mitigate the potential risks I should have bought a smaller amount and let my investment grow (if it did) into something large. This is shown in counterpoint by my success with LGIH which I bought in more moderation but has grown in size to its current #1 position.

SBNY: Highlighting the importance of timing and tracking long term trends

I have been watching SBNY most of this year in spite of my extreme dislike for banks. I initiated my position at the end of August when I decided the taxi medallion fears were likely mostly in the past, which led to gratifying results in November. This timing was no accident. I watched the price be driven down amid continual fears while watching the general business improve. At the end of August it seemed they were nearing a turning point where the fears were diminishing and the successes were compounding.

Get my head out of the sand! (many stocks)

Way too often I ignored what was going on either with my own stocks or with stocks I had heard about and considered good possibilities for investment. If I am going to be investing in individual stocks I need to be paying attention. I need to be looking at good companies and I need to be taking a more harsh look at my current investments that are not performing. I had the time and expertise to accurately evaluate many stocks I ignored and accurately take advantage of opportunities. Instead I stuck my head in the sand and ignored everything. The opportunity cost of this was likely very large. I have sympathy for myself in this as I have had a highly enjoyable year and investing can be very dry and boring. Nonetheless I intend to pay closer attention in the future and react quicker.

Trust myself more often! (many stocks)

There have been many events throughout the year where I thought I should have bought a stock, sold a stock, or sold a portion of my position in a stock. I acted on perhaps 1 in 4 of these thoughts because I did not trust my inexperienced insights. However, closer to 3 in 4 would have been profitable choices. This mostly includes two types of events: Selling a portion (or all) of my investment after excessive exuberance (LGIH, SBNY) and taking advantage of general market bad news as a buying opportunity (brexit, November election).

Maintain diversity in my taxable account!

Most of my investments are in retirement accounts with a relatively small portion in a taxable account. I group all of these together when considering allocation, however I tend to put a portion of my best ideas into my taxable account. This has led to insufficient diversity in that account. While this has no impact on my overall return and long-term performance, it does mean higher risk when that account is viewed separately. The result of this is the potential for less real money to live off of today if I decide to live off my investments. INFN being one of my investments in this account highlighted this risk to me.

Risk Management Strategy: Successful!

I am entirely happy with my risk management strategy and how it has evolved throughout the year. I made mistakes in SKX, INFN, INBK and SEDG. My performance lagged severely in CASY, CRM, and SSNI. Yet overall I still achieved a reasonable rate of return for the year. Looking back, the only improvement I would have made would be to invest more money in my large stable companies (BRK.B and AMZN) when severe market events gave excellent entry points.


Just over a year of learning how to take control of my own investments, it is time to step back and give myself a critique to find out what I can learn from my own successes and mistakes. I provide this here for my own edification and your amusement. All feedback is welcome!

Othalan, what an impressive review! I am envious of the way you have analyzed it so clearly. I’m really blown away! Really a nice, nice, nice job. Thanks for posting it!



Saul: Othalan, what an impressive review! I am envious of the way you have analyzed it so clearly. I’m really blown away! Really a nice, nice, nice job. Thanks for posting it!

Saul, thank you. Much of what I have learned this year originated from you. :slight_smile:

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Very nice review. I have recently decided to take control of my investments as well. I hope I will achieve similar results when I look back a year from now.

I provide this here for my own edification and your amusement. All feedback is welcome!

My primary goal in investing in stock is a higher total portfolio return than I could get investing in index funds. My reasoning for this is simple: If I do not have a higher return than the index funds I would invest in, why bother spending the time to invest in individual stocks?

My primary goal is to make money to pay my ever increasing bills due to 1)inflation
2)increasing what I call “Getting Older Increasing Expenses”

If one is successful in covering their increasing expenses, the chances are you will have an increasing tax burden to add to your outflowing cash payments.

I DON’T USE MARGIN–Much too risky for me.
Some people get discouraged because they are looking for the stock that they hope will be the one to carry them to the promised land. Many of these people might even have the stock to do that in their portfolio but will sell it because it get’s too big for their portfolio and then “Sell To Rebalance their Portfolio” by holding their losers and selling the good one because The Saying Goes “YOU CAN NEVER GO BROKE WITH TAKING A PROFIT”

I disagree-- The story of my Father-in-law and DISNEY back in 1960. It was just before my wife and I got married in December 1960.

He used to dabble in the market–Never made any money-but he always dreamed…

One day he was very nervous and we were talking and he mentioned that he had bought 50 (FIFTY) shares of DISNEY at $28 a share and in 3 months it was then up to $35 (Total unrealized gain $350) and he was worried and afraid of losing the money and he wanted to sell. I told him not to sell but I couldn’t talk him out of it. He sold and made his $350 reinvested it in something else and promptly lost his $350 profit and all of the principal. He was very calm and appeared relieved after that.

The point of this story is —Does anybody know what 50 shares of 1960 Disney stock is worth today after all the splits that have taken place since then? The last time I looked it was over $2,000,000.

In those early 1960 DISNEY years those with DISNEY in their portfolio didn’t have a clue that they ALREADY OWNED THE MILLION DOLLAR STOCK THEY WERE LOOKING FOR And then they sold it to rebalance their portfolio or they were scared to lose their money.

It takes Courage to get rich

IMHO Step 1- Sell your worst stock in your portfolio and use the proceeds to add to your best performing stock you own. That upgrades your portfolio and you will be already ahead of where you are
Step 2 Let your portfolio tell you which stocks you own that are winners stop trying to pick them from the thousands out there. The chances are you won’t know even if you stumble onto the right one. Most will sell if it goes up a few dollars “TO REBALANCE” and you might have just sold a potential $1 M stock.

To make money in the market, you have to think outside the box, and do what others don’t do.




I have been following your messages on various boards with great interest. Before adopting a similar approach I thought I should do a back-test on the eight holdings you had last October: HASI, GAB, MPLX, ARCC, ETE, EVA, UTF and NRZ.

For my study I assumed I invested the same amount of money in these stocks exactly one year ago, on January 5, 2016. This is different from the weights in your own portfolio which had between 11.79% and 22.52% in the first five stocks, about 6% in EVA and less than 1% in the last two.

I found the total return would have been 30%, of which 8.2% is from dividends and the balance of 21.8% from capital gain. Very impressive no doubt. However, I also note the returns from HASI and MPLX are zero or negative, from GAB and UTF about 10% but those from ETE, EVA, NRZ and ARCC are 60%, 51%, 30% and 18% respectively.

Although the overall results would have been very satisfactory there is obviously no guarantee that these will be repeated in 2017. Also, based on your own approach you should have liquidated HASI and MPLX by now and added more to ETE, EVA and NRZ or bought two other stocks with better prospects.

I would appreciate if you could please explain how you responded to the poor performance of HASI and MPLX in 2016. And if you did indeed sell them how did you choose your replacement stocks if you still retained a portfolio of 8 shares.

Thank you in anticipation.

Just to clarify:
The returns I mentioned in para. 3 are capital gains, not total returns.

I found the total return would have been 30%, of which 8.2% is from dividends

Hi Alpha,
Perhaps you made some kind of calculation error there. It would be very extraordinary indeed (almost impossible) to find seven stocks which averaged 8.2% in dividends.

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I appreciate your interest and would be glad to continue the conversation. However this is Saul’s board and I wouldn’t want to get off subject where others probably wouldn’t have an interest. You said you saw my posts on other boards. Write me on the REITS board or the HASI board that would not interfere with others. After all 2 of my 8 stocks are REITS…

Once again—Thanks for the reply.


Hi Saul - I’m not so sure it’s incorrect. That’s exactly what B&W is targeting - strong yield and income growers that will rise in capital as a result. There are dozens of REITs, MLPs, MREITs and Money Managers (BDCs, VCs and PE) that pay that and more - I got into Blackstone and KKR at yields above that.


Thanks for the comments.

I have given below (I could not copy the table I actually created with OpenOffice Writer) the Dividend (distribution) yield, One yr return and One yr total return of the 8 stocks I chose following BandW’s portfolio. I rechecked my figures from Fidelity and TDAmeritrade. The average dividend/distribution is indeed 8.23% based on the hypothetical equal-weight portfolio.

I revised the returns using Fidelity as I could now see the exact figures of the gains on the right hand side of the charts rather than read them from those on TDA’s charts.


Ticker Symbol
Dividend Yield
1 yr return (%) (1/5/17)
Total return 1 yr return (%) (1/5/17)

HASI 6.88% -0.10 6.78

GAB 10.68% 8.32 19.00

MPLX 5.81% -8.12 -2.31

ARCC 8.96% 14.46 23.42

ETE 5.83% 40.06 45.89

EVA 7.79% 54.46 62.25

UTF 8.28% 5.47 13.75

NRZ 11.55% 31.03 42.58

Average 8.23% 18.2 26.42

IJS (for comparison) 1.22% 32.83 34.05


Hi Alpha:
It appears you are trying to understand my portfolio by using numbers that are picked out of the air and you are trying to put them in a setting that is familiar to you. I don’t own equal amounts of different stocks because they haven’t proved themselves to me. When I open a position I buy maybe 100 or 200 shares. After that, they have to earn every dollar I put on them. There are no free lunches from me.

If you remember I have previously mentioned that there is nothing in my portfolio that is magic. Nothing was picked on day 1 by me, where I said this stock or any other stock in my portfolio, will make me $1M dollars. I don’t know. You probably have better stocks in your portfolio. You just might not be making them work hard enough

All I said was to upgrade the portfolio by selling the worst and adding to the best you already have. Doing that ONE TIME will UPGRADE YOUR PORTFOLIO AND MAKE YOU MORE MONEY. The constant pruning out of the junk will make you more money until you reach a smaller number of securities that you can know better as they increase in value. You will not have to do so much DD because you will not be constantly looking for more stocks to clutter your portfolio that might be good or not. Do the back testing with your portfolio and see what I mean

I have reached the point where I am mainly interested in income(as much tax deferred as possible). Since I am regularly adding to my stocks the lower the price I can buy them at, the more income I can get per invested dollar (That includes shares that I bought or dividends/distributions that I drip into additional shares/units).

My portfolio results depend on both income and capital gains
For 2016 my results were
Portfolio Price Appreciation + 18.67% above 2015
Income appreciation +24.86% above 2015
Projected current income for 2017 +15.59% above income received in 2016. (That assumes No increased dividends or additional purchased shares — HOWEVER NOTE THAT --This percentage is already outdated because on Jan 3 2017 I received additional dripped shares from UTF and ARCC)
I also expect dripped shares from

  1. HASI (already X-div) on Jan 13
    2)UTF (Already X-Div) on Jan 18 (Year end special div)
    3)NRZ (Already X-Div) on Feb 1
    4)UTF Reg Jan dividend- Goes X-Div on Jan 17 and is drippable on Feb 1
    and the 3 MLP’s --ETE-MPLX and EVA will be X-Div end of Jan or very early Feb and pay Mid Feb

You asked about how I responded to the POOR PERFORMANCE OF HASI and MPLX.

Are you talking about the poor stock prices or the poor performance of the companies? Both companies are doing well HASI just raised their distribution 10% and MPLX raised about 12% over 2016. I’ve been buying both over the year adding at the knock down prices whenever I could get them.

I have added to HASI at least 9 times in 2016 not counting Drips and have increased my position over 14% in 2016. Management just increased their dividend 10% for the year. Here is another reason for me to own HASI. The dividend is expected to be about 60% to 70% tax deferred

MPLX I received in the merger on Dec 4 2015 with MWE. I started buying MWP in 2003-4 which was merged with MWE around 2006-7 and now merged into MPLX
I responded to the poor market performance of MPLX by buying more and collecting increased distributions (Tax deferred) BECAUSE----
I believe Management knows more about the company than the “investors” that are selling.

MPLX raised the distribution about 12% in 2016-They projected another 12%-15% increase in 2017 and a double digit increase in 2018.

These are the reasons I say to look AT YOUR PORTFOLIO BECAUSE YOU KNOW (OR SHOULD KNOW) the stocks in them and know when the stock is being tosses in the garbage pail and has value You are trying to stick cookies of different sizes and shapes into the same cookie cutter. Have some faith in yourself and don’t worry about what others are doing. They probably know less than you.

Good luck


Hi Alphab:

Thanks for your interest and request for further information. I’ve been waiting for my updated year-end statements to compare with Dec 31, 2015 statements to be able to use real numbers as opposed to assumed numbers and assumed cash amounts histories where applicable.

I have been following your messages on various boards with great interest. Before adopting a similar approach I thought I should do a back-test on the eight holdings you had last October: HASI, GAB, MPLX, ARCC, ETE, EVA, UTF and NRZ.

For my study I assumed I invested the same amount of money in these stocks exactly one year ago, on January 5, 2016. This is different from the weights in your own portfolio which had between 11.79% and 22.52% in the first five stocks, about 6% in EVA and less than 1% in the last two.

2016 has been a wild year My portfolio bottomed on Feb 11, 2016 at -28.5%-Then recovered 13.9% by Feb 29, 2016. The portfolio recovered all the early losses and ended up +18.67% on Dec 31, 2016. I am most interested in income because it is much more stable than security prices (IMHO) and through all the tumult my portfolio income in 2016 increased 24.86% above the income I received in 2015 without any drama. All the drama was in the price gyrations. Current projected income is scheduled to increase 15.58% in 2017 over the received 2016 income AND THAT ASSUMES “ZERO” CAPITAL GAINS.

You asked----

I would appreciate if you could please explain how you responded to the poor performance of HASI and MPLX in 2016. And if you did indeed sell them how did you choose your replacement stocks if you still retained a portfolio of 8 shares.

HASI–I consider HASI as having performed very well for my purposes

HASI ended 2015 at $18.92 and ended 2016 at $18.99. During 2016 Hasi briefly touched $25. In Dec 2015 HASI raised the quarterly dividend from $0.26 to $0.30 and in Dec 2016 they raised it again–this time for $0.30 to $0.33 per share per quarter So according to management and their guidance going forward, business at HASI is doing well. Turmoil in the market has caused the retail investors to sell and take profits. So far I have taken the opportunity presented to me to add to my HASI holdings at the currently depressed prices. I added 35.65% worth of shares to my holdings in 2016 which is also increasing future income.

MPLX-Also an increasing distribution story. However I did sell a bunch (financed the HASI purchases), then decided to start repurchasing MPLX at increasing prices. MPLX was an $85 stock about 2 years ago and has shown signs recently of price improvement ahead. Will it go back to $85? --I don’t know–I’ll take it one increasing dividend at a time every three months
Management projects a 12% to 15% dividend increase for 2017 and double digit increase for 2018.

I hope this helps

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Hi B&W, thanks for bringing HASI to our attention. Seieng as it provides debt and equity financing to renewable energy markets, do you think it will be adversely affected under the new administration?

thanks for bringing HASI to our attention. Seieng as it provides debt and equity financing to renewable energy markets, do you think it will be adversely affected under the new administration?

I try to remain fully invested at all times because I don’t have a clue as to what the future will bring. The recent election probably caused many people to sell valuable positions built up over many years in the fear that the wrong candidate would win. This probably created large tax obligations to be due and at the same time the investor gave up the income he was receiving from the sold investments.—Then a funny thing happened, the election was over and the market started to surge upwards not giving them an opportunity to get back in.

I prefer not to try to anticipate. So I did nothing. So far I was right, as my entire portfolio was up from the election day until this past Friday afternoon 12.28% with dividends being received as usual.

What will be today-tomorrow -next week-----THAT’S THE NEXT WAR TO DEAL WITH.


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