You are nothing but a corporate ledger entry under "source of funds"

Seems that Audi is getting into the free money game too: charging “subscription fees”, for providing nothing. If you don’t pay, apparently, the hvac system on your new car won’t work, among other things.

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Private Equity loves “subscription fees”.

There was an article in the Wall Street Journal today saying that all the additional fees on an Uber ride to the airport are making the uber-expensive parking garage right next to the terminal cheaper.


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Everyone, on the collecting side, loves “subscription fees”, especially when they are collecting money for nothing. And, when they want to make more profit, just raise the “subscription fee”.


Everyone should charge Private Equity $25k/mo just for them to be allowed to let you subscribe. Otherwise, you get their services FREE.

That would be COMMUNISM!!! All money must flow from the Proles to the “JCs”. Never, ever, flow the other way.


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JCs are Proles (to us “real” job creators). JCs are just pretenders.

I used to try to explain that to DesertDave. He would say he never got a job from a poor person. I would reply that he would not have a job running his surplus store if there were no people buying stuff in it. That discussion was never really resolved.
