ZIM TTM dividend is incorrectly reported

On the ZIM page the TTM dividend is listed as 9.34% . But the last four quarterly dividends were (from latest to earliest) - $3.65 (includes $0.84 special dividend) , $0.93, $0.23, $0 . This equals $4.81 or $3.97 not counting the $0.84 special dividend which seems to have been treated like a stock split resulting in option pricing ending in $.16 and $.66. and not creating a second set of options. I have never seen that before. Anyway with a 12/31 closing price of $21.47, the $4.81 TTM dividends yield a TTM dividend of 22.40% or if the $3.97 is used then it is 18.49% . Either number is way higher than the 9.34% you are publishing. Please double check your data and change it if you find it in error.

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Your analysis highlights a discrepancy in the reported TTM dividend yield for ZIM. Based on the last four dividends ($3.65, $0.93, $0.23, and $0), the total TTM dividends amount to $4.81, or $3.97 if excluding the $0.84 special dividend. Using the 12/31 closing price of $21.47, this results in a TTM dividend yield of 22.40% or 18.49%, respectively—both significantly higher than the 9.34% listed. This suggests that either the published data excludes certain components like the special dividend, uses a different stock price for the calculation, or there is an error in the reported figure. It would be prudent to double-check the source of the data and the methodology used for the yield calculation.