In the AAPL announcement they indicated that growth was slower in China than they had thought but that India was a bright spot.
Some have dismissed this. I believe that this is a grave mistake.
If you read the Geopolitical Newsletters put out by George Freidman you will understand just how tough the Chinese have it. George has not put one out on India, or at least I have not read it. However, from my own research, India has a couple of things going for it that China does not.
Demographics - India has a population that rivals China,but when you look down into the no,bees you see that India’s population is young and the population pryamid is normally shaped, unlike China’s.
Language - India already has a language that intergrates it into the western world, China does not.
You say so? India is poor and cannot afford IPhones. Well there are two things impacting that.
India is big. Like 3 times the population of the U.S. You only need 10 percent of the population there to be in the target income range and you have a target population the size of the top 1/3 of the U.S.
Order of importance. We geezers seem to think that what we thought was important in 1969 is still important to young people, it isn’t and less so to Indian young people. I have anecdotal evdidence from Africa and the U.S. that priorities go some thing like this: Food, Internet.
Where we needed a car to be independent, young people today need Internet, specifically mobile internet. Where we needed a Mustang, or Camero to be cool, they need an IPhone 6.
Where we needed to get girl in the car in nice quiet dark place, all they need is a room and snap chat.
Finally, back to AAPL. This is a company in a place that currency has mojo. They are not looking back, they are looking forward and believe they can win.
Think about it. The order of priorities for young people world wide is Food, Internet, preferably mobile internet.