ANET Article - Road to 400G

The Road to 400G Ethernet is Paved with Bechtolsheim’s Intentions…

Apology if this was already posted.

I see a rising fear in the articles in my ANET newsfeed regarding the possibility that MSFT may reduce their spending with ANET. The recent downgrade by Cleveland research makes that claim. So I was looking for a little reassurance that the story hasn’t changed. The article linked above is a solid reminder of three core things.

  1. The management is the elite of the elite - Stanford PhDs, professorships; history of investing in the likes of Google, selling their startups to Sun Micro who is still leveraging that tech; and we all know Jayshree Ullal is among the most accomplished and admired CEOs in tech.

  2. They are honest and exist in reality…

“If you asked Ita [Brennan, our CFO] and me whether we would have 50 percent growth increases in 2017, we certainly did not forecast it,” Ullal said. “It came upon us suddenly because the cloud titans suddenly had a use case and an application. So, when we look at the overall year and when we look at how to plan the year, just like we did in 2017, we think a growth rate in the 20 percent to 30 percent range with an average of 25 percent is a very, very good growth rate. It is not cautious. It is realistic. And if something really good happens beyond that, that’s great. Or if something really bad happens, we will let you know. Hope is not a strategy. This is our best effort at predicting what that growth would be.”

Anyone who has ever run a business knows this is the best that you can do. Refreshing to see someone say it.

  1. They are very confident and playing the long game (bold for emphasis)…

“We saw that 10 Gb/sec had a very long tail for almost ten years, and then many vendors jumped into 40 Gb/sec, as did Arista,” she explained. “But for 100 Gb/sec, we believe first of all that it has an extremely long tail, unlike 40 Gb/sec. So we think the relevant bandwidth point is really going to be 100 Gb/sec for a very long time, with the option to do 10 Gb/sec, 25 Gb/sec, or 50 Gb/sec on the server or storage I/O connections; 400 Gb/sec is going to be very important in certain use cases, and you can expect that Arista is working very hard on it. And we will be as always first or early to market. The mainstream 400 Gb/sec market is going to take multiple years. I believe initial trials will be in 2019, but the mainstream market will be even later. And just because 400 Gb/sec comes, by the way, does not mean 100 Gb/sec goes away. They are really going to be in tandem. The more we do a 400 Gb/sec, the more we will also do 100 Gb/sec. So they are really together – it is not either or.”

So while it seems there could be a short term hit from Microsoft, here you still have the elite of the elite, who are trustworthy and in a space with massive potential for the long haul. I am no expert in the team at Microsoft, but it seems unlikely they are better than Arista.

I will add in one bonus thing. If you read that legal doc recently posted above on this board, you can sense a deep-seated competition, a hard animosity toward Cisco, whom Arista believes fights dirty with lobbyists and is hellbent on eliminating competition, not advancing the best tech. For me, this gives Arista an edge much like the one I like to see in sports teams. Consider how teams really around a cause. The Saints rallied after Katrina to win the Super Bowl. The Astros after Harvey. That extra bit of purpose is big. And likely to attract additional talent. I think techies, like artists, are more inspired by doing great work and working with people they admire for a righteous cause.

Bottom line: ANET my biggest holding and that 9% wallop did not tickle, but this article is balm for my wounded hide.





Excellent post on ANET. I will add that if revenue growth averages 25% over the long term, this stock will most likely be much higher in 5 years. ANET continues to improve its margins also.

As I’ve heard Tom Gardner say many times, one of the best predictors of stock price appreciation is revenue growth.



That extra bit of purpose is big. And likely to attract additional talent. I think techies, like artists, are more inspired by doing great work and working with people they admire for a righteous cause.

Couldn’t agree more…reminds me of the excellent video featuring their CTO. Great post, BD.


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Thanks Jim and Bear! Greatly appreciated. Will look up that CTO video for sure. In the meantime, while searching for it I stumbled into the blog posts below, the first is from this January, written by an Arista employee. He was taking another job but in leaving still raves about the company……

“Now “Arista Networks” may not be a household name like Google or Facebook, but make no mistake, Arista’s success in the networking industry is on the same track as Google’s success in search or Facebook’s success in social media.”


And here’s another post he wrote about joining the company in 2013……

So we have a bunch of tech leaders, some of the sharpest minds in this industry, who are all passionate, low-key, and want to build the best datacenter networking gear out there. This has a profound impact on company culture…


“Now “Arista Networks” may not be a household name like Google or Facebook, but make no mistake, Arista’s success in the networking industry is on the same track as Google’s success in search or Facebook’s success in social media.”

The huge difference between Arista and Google/FB is the size of the audience, the larger the audience the safer the investment, all else being equal.

Denny Schlesinger

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Thanks for the blog links Dan.

Again, the name might not quite have the mindshare of a Google or a Facebook, but these days it’s virtually impossible to use the Internet without going through Arista devices.

If the above is true, the audience is probably larger than Google/FB as these two do not have access to China.


Great article, BD!

I’m pretty sure I read that someplace else, or, they re-used snippets elsewhere, because I distinctly recall seeing the bit about 100GbE having such a long tail with the end nowhere in sight!

I read one of their introductory white papers the other day and was incredibly inspired! I may well start making ANET my 2nd largest position! I honestly believe they have a magic sauce to bring to the data center that people like me have been dying for for years!

Thanks for posting!
