AYX -- why is it down so much?


AYX seems to have take a beating much more than other stocks this week. Other than market volatility, is there any other reason? I haven’t been able to find a single piece of news lately.

Your thoughts?

Thank you!


Volume was also high yesterday and today, maybe a fund is getting out ?

I work in business intelligence, and have used Tableau but not Alteryx. My guess is this. Often times it seems that a company will buy Alteryx and Tableau as a pairing, using Alteryx for data prep and Tableau for the subsequent analysis. They are frenemies and have a partnership of sorts.

But 3 days ago Tableau launched Tableau Prep, which seems to muscle in on Alteryx’s space. I have little idea how their feature sets compare, which is better, and I also don’t know what percent of Alteryx’s users also use Tableau (does anyone on the board know?). But I’ve been concerned about this for awhile and it looks like it’s starting up.



“The preparation piece of Tableau users’ data analysis has been done mostly by other companies that partner with Tableau, such as Alteryx, which have separate contracts with many Tableau users. Tableau Prep could have ramifications for these vendors.” -Seattle Times

So that is my guess.


This has been known to be coming for quite some time. Not a surprise, but is surprising how the market, if efficient, had not already calculated this in. Tableau is much larger than AYX. It cannot help but make sales more difficult as now the buyer has to compare his options where as before you just went with the pairing of the two companies.

TBD if this makes any material difference. Probably not as there is so little market penetration as it is, but it will increase the sales cycle if nothing else as customers will want to compare their options.



probably better to not post paid content verbatim on the board. I don’t think it’s fair to the people out there who are trying to make a living.



probably better to not post paid content verbatim on the board. I don’t think it’s fair to the people out there who are trying to make a living

Ethan, I agree with you. But that post also served as final push for me to subscribe to Bert’s service.

Thanks to everyone for their input


Hi mommywinn,

I agree with those who pointed out that it’s not fair to Bert to post what he wrote in a paid subscription. He’s trying to make a living with this. And it’s also not fair to others who paid for the subscription.

One alternative would be to write that “Bert wrote a timely piece about this yesterday, but it’s in a paid service”. Another would be to wait a week or so and then write that “a week ago Bert wrote so and so.” That way the paid subscribers have a week lead at least.




New guys question…

Who is Bert and what service?


Bert Hochfeld is a tech stock picker who has very good deep-dive analysis and was / is followed by many here. He was a Seeking Alpha author (may still be). But he has his own site now see here


Community Fool - Ticker Guide


Alteryx will be a troublesome holding for the next 10 days or so. For investors with a longer time horizon

LOL - what have we come to when >10 days is considered long term. And folks used to once complain about the short termism of quarterly reporting!

FWIW I actually do think Tableau is a threat. Tableau along with SPLUNK and QLIKVIEW have all become defacto leaders unless Alteryx can dislodge them, their positions are solid and a threat to any intruder in their field.


Here is a post from Tableau Community answering the question:

Hi. Sorry for any ignorance on my part but can someone explain on a high level what are the differences between Tableau Prep and Alteryx?


For “heavy lifting” you’ll still need Atlteryx, according to the author.

I’d would also point out that Alteryx has partners besides Tableau (like Qlik). So although Tableau Prep might eat some into Alteryx’s Tableau related business I wouldn’t sell shares due to Prep’s availability. I might add some next week instead.



Yeah, I am now a Basic Plan subscriber to TickerTarget (Bert Hotchfield) because of Saul’s mentioning him. I do think posting a little tidbit of what he actually says brings him more business than losing him business. And, god, does he have a lot to say. I almost don’t have enough time to read it all.


That was a great find, and from a Tableau community blog! Here are a few more excerpts:

…Tableau Prep can connect to 18 different file/database types (I’m guessing more will come) and can write to TDE, Hyper or CSV only.

Alteryx can connect to almost anything/everything and write back as well - TDE, database, XLS, etc… the sky is the limit.

Alteryx also does spatial analysis, macros, analytical apps, and a TON more.

It really depends on what you need though - if you need some “light touch” data prep to be used only in Tableau, then try Tableau Prep.

If you want to do all sorts of magic and things that you’ve never thought of yet, then try Alteryx…

At down 20% due to this “challenge” from Tableau, I’d buy some Alteryx.



I’m guessing more will come

Long term, this may be the key phrase. Alteryx has the lead and may well keep the lead, but if Tableau Prep continues to expand its capability, it may be “good enough” for a larger and larger fraction of the user base.

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Alteryx will be a troublesome holding for the next 10 days or so. For investors with a longer time horizon

LOL - what have we come to when more than 10 days is considered long term?

Hi Ant, I think you misunderstood. Bert was referring to Alteryx’s quarterly report in 10 days, at which time management can respond to questions about the Tableau issue, as well as give guidance. It had nothing yo do with long term or short term.


At down 20% due to this “challenge” from Tableau, I’d buy some Alteryx.

I agree with Saul but on the flip side it also seemed a good time to trim when it went straight up for 7+ days from April 9-19, over 22% on no news. That was a curious 7+ days to me. Sure didn’t expect it to immediately retrace in the next 7 days though.

The news on Alteryx is much less concerning than the Xi software delay with Nutanix. The near term could be rough as this seems to be a significant development.
