Bavaria to be 80% renewables by 2030

18 May 2022…

Southern German state Bavaria aims to double power production from renewable sources to reach a share of 80 percent by 2030 as part of its government’s new energy strategy. “The main drivers will be photovoltaics and wind power,” said the government in a press release. As a result of Russia’s attack on Ukraine, a “completely new situation” has arisen with regard to security of supply in Bavaria, said the economy minister of Germany’s largest federal state, Hubert Aiwanger. “On the way to a climate-neutral Bavaria by 2040, it is important to generate as much electricity as possible here and thus maintain greater independence from energy imports,” he said.


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I wish the article had stated what steps are planned for energy storage… (for when the wind and solar power isn’t there). If everyone goes renewable, you can’t count on borrowing power from your fossil fueled neighbor anymore.

Former RB and BL Home Fool, Supernova Portfolio Contributor & Maintenance Fool
He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.

”If you are in the right companies, the potential rise can be so enormous that everything else is secondary. Every $1,000 I and my clients put into Motorola in 1957 is now worth $1,993,846 — after all the ups and downs of the stock and of the market…

If I’d sold Motorola because I thought it was overpriced 10 or 15 years ago, chances are I would not have known when to get back in, and I would have missed a tremendous profit. If one of my stocks gets overpriced, I warn my clients that things may be unpleasant for a little while but it will rise to a new peak later.” Phillip Fisher

I wish the article had stated what steps are planned for energy storage… (for when the wind and solar power isn’t there). If everyone goes renewable, you can’t count on borrowing power from your fossil fueled neighbor anymore.


Bavaria is connected to the European grid. The wind and solar never completely goes away on the grid. In addition there are other renewables: hydro, geothermal, and biomass.


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Bavaria is connected to the European grid. The wind and solar never completely goes away on the grid. – Jaak


Solar power is available in Rome at midnight because it’s only 11pm in London? You might want to rethink that whole concept. It’s a problem even if you hope to get China to sell power at midnight Rome time (not real workable either). :wink:

Wind? Highly variable and sometimes quite insufficient over large areas.

Hydro is big, especially in the Nordic countries, but they need what they have. Not able to sustain the rest of the Continent. As for geothermal and biomass… they won’t pick up the slack either unless a massive effort is expended.

Former RB and BL Home Fool, Supernova Portfolio Contributor & Maintenance Fool
He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.

”If you are in the right companies, the potential rise can be so enormous that everything else is secondary. Every $1,000 I and my clients put into Motorola in 1957 is now worth $1,993,846 — after all the ups and downs of the stock and of the market…

If I’d sold Motorola because I thought it was overpriced 10 or 15 years ago, chances are I would not have known when to get back in, and I would have missed a tremendous profit. If one of my stocks gets overpriced, I warn my clients that things may be unpleasant for a little while but it will rise to a new peak later.” Phillip Fisher



Solar energy can be stored in many different energy storage devices.

Wind is always blowing on the land and ocean somewhere in Europe.

Hydro is shared with Germany and other countries via the grid.

Geothermal and biomass already generate lots of power.


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You forget that for the most part Bavaria boarders the Danube River and already has a number of power plants a long its an course. Also deriving some of their power from the Danube are the Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia, and Hungary.

The idea is to spread the kind of renewable energy across several different type of sources in several different areas.

Basic common sense.


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