A perhaps unnecessary pre-emptive post. I have a concern, and frankly it may be unwarranted. Looking at the number of recs every “minor bottom” maybe post from Mungo is getting…
…well aware of the excessive above-trend market returns of the last several years…
…with a layman’s understanding of human market psychology…
a rising tide lifts all boats, and happening to be right about a decision doesn’t make you brilliant (usually), no more than being wrong makes one an idiot, and absolutely not someone elses fault…
…and watching the self-aggrandizing cheerleading from latecomers to Saul’s board not understanding that BIG money trend-following in the market drove their outsize returns in 20-21, and then turning on the hand that fed them the ideas during a “risk-off” tsunami having nothing to do with those companies…
Please… please don’t make mungo or anyone else out here your gurus. Mungo’s models ARE top notch; but… history only rhymes sometimes, it doesn’t repeat.
If you buy on a “minor”/“simple” or “major” bottom, it’s YOUR decision. If it goes wrong, no accusatory critical attacks on Jim or anyone else. If it happens to be bottom-ish and turns into a good return over the next couple years, great!
We’re all hopeful that after 5 months of this bear/correction the end is near. But it may not be. We’re in uncharted waters with a double barreled Fed. 2008-9 lasted 15 months with 3 or 4 of intermediate “whew it might be over” rallies - that failed.