BLE gain expectations

Estimating the yield gain from leverage, ie borrowing at short rates and increasing yield by investing in long bonds I find the average differential on 2 yr to 10 yr T-bills is 0.86%.

If $1000 invested pays 6 per cent it yields $60. If 30% of assets or $300 gets used for leverage an added 0.86% that gives $2.58 more or 6.258% yield.

On 2yr to 30 yr differential might be as large as 1.52%. That gives a yield $4.56 or total 6.456%.

If the implied 7.57% gain in yield is applied to current $11.3/share price, price moves to $12.16.

Looks like the impact of leverage will be small. Most gain comes from falling interest rate. 90 day gain is 6.98% implying 27.9% annual gain.

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