I did not want to start a discussion about the EU and UK political systems here, but your post seems to be surprisingly popular despite the fact that one can easily check that you are wrong on simple things like how prime minister is not directly elected or what the GDPs of countries are.
So I’ll post one response here, but I’ll refrain from responding any further because I don’t like off topic in discussion boards myself:
Also, the British prime minister is usually directly elected by the people
Please tell me when were the last prime minister elections in the UK.
Appointed by an elected official is not the same as elected
So the Brits should also be pushing for abandoning most of their government institutions, right? And yes, including the concept of PM.
For an overview how the British political system works and just how many parts of it are not directly elected, see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ix_i7l_Xhog
With such a large number of EU members now, it is rightly perceived by the people of the UK that it is very difficult to influence EU decisions or hold anybody in the EU bureaucracy accountable for anything.
“Perceived” is the keyword here. Is there any one policy that the UK (either the government or the parliament) could not have defied or tried to renegotiate with the EU.
The citizens of those EU countries have not been living in prosperous times and in some cases their GDPs are smaller now than they were in 2000.
Talking about GDP per capita in 2000 and in 2015 adjusted for inflation :
Spain 15.000 then vs 29.000 now
Italy 20.000 then vs 30.000 now
Source - world bank: http://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GDP.PCAP.CD
There is huge resentment at the sheer quantity of EU legislation and regulation foisted upon us, interfering in every facet of our lives. The EU’s influence extends to everything from the type of light bulbs we can use, to the banning of high-wattage household appliances. These decisions should be made by individual countries.
The quality of EU legislation? Well now I’m interested - give me an example of a low quality EU law - they are all online so you can link them directly. (though as I mentioned above I will not be responding - I’m still interested).
The UK is a very welcoming country which does not have an issue with immigrants or immigration. What is concerning to people is uncontrolled migration from the EU.
Yes, this has been the number one issue the brexiters have been talking about, following the massive scare campaign from the largest tabloids: http://wordpress.mediatel.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/D…
I think I’ve said enough!
I very much agree!