BRKB below $300

My wife is a long time CPA who kind of chose her line of business to give herself freedom. The had orginally worked for Markel as I have mentioned here previously.

But in any event she still does taxes for quite a few. Her belief is that the absolute worst thing that can ever happen to you as a lifetime investor is to time the market correctly. Why? Because if you do that once you will be pulled in to trying to do it over and over again.

She says she had a small shoe store owner who was quite wealthy from holding stocks for a long time, that many of her wealthiest clients didn’t make the big bucks. They just stayed invested and lived long.

She also tells me often that she had many clients over her career that made lots of money and just lived high, these types tried to go all in on the one or two most hot stocks of their time. Disasterous long term results of course.

By the way for those of you interested in crypto, the crypto meeting that is held the night we play trivia was by far the largest ever. To me it is much like the SAAS stock believers, few have lost belief as of now.