Calif: +98 billion ==> -22 billion


Personally I’m surprised anyone wants to be a teacher anymore. The pay isn’t great. The parents think you are just indoctrinating their children. There seem better ways to make a living than putting up with all that.

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The US average is $69K, and that is for a 9-10 month work year. Annualized, that is $87K (77th percentile of individual incomes).



They may only be 1% of the tax returns, but according to the article they have over 20% of the taxable income in the state. Given a progressive tax rate, paying 40% of the taxes doesn’t seem outlandish to me.


LOL. It isn’t for 9-10 months of work. You can’t “annualize” their annual income like it was only a 10 month CD that you can reinvest for another 2 months.

If their average ANNUAL income is 69k, then it is 69k, not 87k.

And, if you ever want to know the state of teaching, just ask one if they would recommend that their children take up the profession.

Married to a teacher who would likely divorce me if I claimed she only worked 9-10 months a year.


From December:

New projections out this week after planning cuts:

The fiscal year beginning this July will bring a $245 million deficit, with a $555 million shortage expected the following year. If the city doesn’t take corrective action, according to forecasts, that shortage will grow to a nearly $1.4 billion deficit by 2027.


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In Illinois they are admitting to program limitations.

Promoting the taxpayer-funded $250 million Smart Start early childhood education initiative, Gov. J.B. Pritzker said the state will have to balance such future spending with other pressures.

“And, if we don’t have enough resources for everything that everybody wants, what can we look to do in the future or what should we stop doing in order to make sure that we’re balancing expenditures with revenues,” Pritzker said at an event in Rochester Thursday…

The current budget includes $550 million for the health care subsidies for non-citizens in Illinois over the age of 42, but the projected annual cost from the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services is $832.7 million. The Pritzker administration announced a freeze of new enrollees last year to help shore up those costs. Those costs are on top of around half-a-billion dollars in housing, food and other costs the state’s taxpayers have already incurred.


Heaven forbid we consider raising some taxes

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That has to be combined with restraint on spending. Living below your means at the macro level.

For example, Newsom became governor of California at the beginning of 2019, five years ago. In those five years state revenues have grown some 35%. The problem is that expenditures have gone up 60%. :frowning_face:

What’s behind California’s skyrocketing spending and $68 billion deficit?


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I am careful with things like that. People assume they can do more for more money. We live in a bureaucratic society. People, positions, and companies are not guaranteed to be worth anything one day. Sometimes can get more but often if someone ditches something shocker their economic or market value is nothing. Or very little.

I am working with an ex-state worker. She kept telling me she hated the state. She believes in merit systems. She is awfully bad at things. I bite my tongue.

It seems the deficit is really more than that…

The biggest challenge facing lawmakers and Gov. Gavin Newsom is the state budget deficit — and it just got bigger.

Today, the Legislative Analyst’s Office projected the shortfall as $15 billion higher, or $73 billion. :frowning_face: