I’m looking for input from anyone who might be smart on the topic. My main goal is to address the situation where my spouse and I both pass while our kids (2 of them) are “young”, they are mid/late teens now, my concern is for about the next 10 years. My wife and I have qualified retirement savings (401Ks). Under the new inherited IRA rules they would only have 10 years to spend down the accounts (no more stretch IRAs). This is problematic for several reasons. First and most important is that 1/10 of 401K (so 5% each if both survive us) is more than I want them to have at that stage (through 20s) of life. It is quite a bit more than they are likely to be making at even a college graduate level salary for example. I want the money to come to them later in life. Second reason is taxes, their incomes from the distribution will all be taxed as regular income and the IRS will end up with a lot of their inheritance.
In searching for solutions the only thing that came up is the Charitable remainder trust but this doesn’t seem viable. With the 5% minimum annual distribution and the requirement for 10% of starting value (as would be funding on spouse and my death) to go to charity their life expectancy as teens/twentysomethings eliminates the math from working as 5% per year over their lives depletes the funds.
Does anyone know of another mechanism to address my situation or know a workaround that allows a Charitable remainder trust to be set up from someone under age 25-30?
Thanks for any advice