Climate Hysteria

Got a problem with regulatory credits? Blame the car makers that aren’t producing enough new energy vehicles! :face_with_monocle:

BTW, if Tesla is still getting regulatory credits, the competition is not catching up, is it? :neutral_face:

The Captain

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On the contrary, I think regulatory credits are a great idea as it is an incentive for the free market to develop cleaner technology. Tesla is a case in point. I think a carbon tax would be an even better idea.

My sole point is that the Climate Change Politics that you demean has been instrumental in the timely development of the technology that you recognize as being beneficial.

Capitalism is a very efficient mechanism for creating technology. The downside is that it strongly tends to favor short-term profitability over long term negative consequences. That is why government intervention is necessary for the long-term survival of capitalism. Ideally government will set long-term objectives that benefit society (e.g., hold climate warming to 2C, reduce urban traffic, make transportation more efficient, etc), set limits to the implementation of new technology to protect society (air quality standards, water quality standards, carcinogen maximal levels, etc), and provide incentives (tax breaks, tax credits, grants, etc) that motivate development, then let the free market do its thing.

That is Climate Change Politics.


Politics makes strange bedfellows!

The Captain

That’s not a problem with “Capitalism”, it’s a problem with “humans”! Places governed using different -isms also suffer from short-term thinking that is just as harmful, and usually more harmful, and sometimes even MUCH more harmful.