1000 posts is less than 4 months. This has been a great board so far. Thanks!!!
1000 posts is less than 4 months. This has been a great board so far. Thanks!!!
I wanted to thank and congratulate all of you for your help in getting us to a thousand posts when we got here, but it just zoomed up on me while I wasn’t looking. It’s all of you that have made it work! Just think of it, more than 80% of MF RB and MF SA stock boards don’t have 1000 posts yet after years of existence, and we did it in under four months. Incredible!
Awesome. Let’s keep it up. Hurray for Saul.
1000 posts is less than 4 months. This has been a great board so far. Thank
«I 1000 posts is less than 4 months. This has been a great board so far. «\i»
I was hoping to make the 1,000th post myself but am traveling and missed. This is the rare board where I read every single post. This is one of the best boards in all Fooldom.
Thanks to Saul n All.
Saul and All Fools on this board
Thank you and congrats. Let us keep it up, in both quantity and quality, while making some money along the way!!!
I’m embarrassed to admit this, particularly on Saul’s board, but just for the record, despite my strong commitment to hold almost everything for the long term, today I finally sold my remaining Westport holdings.
[First of all, congrats to the above poster…!]
I view the above quote as [just] one example of why this Board is good. We don’t have to fear saying, “I sold.”
Selling shouldn’t be sacrilege. Sometimes it’s smart.
[And for the record, I finally sold WPRT a little while ago - kept it WAY longer than I ever should have = dumb me.]
There’s a lot of pressure to not go against “the fool norm”, lest one be at risk of getting their head cut off.
This board is high quality because Saul thinks for himself.
I especially appreciate Saul’s candor because, like him, my investments
are what I live off of.
Many thanks are due Saul for starting this board. The fact that he’s candid and willing to share his knowledge, insight, perspective, et al, benefits us greatly.
It’s gotten to be one of the best boards because of all who participate and interact.
Thanks to everyone.
“This board is high quality because Saul thinks for himself.”
Perfectly and succinctly stated, iborg.
I’ve long wanted Saul to have his own unique blog because I’ve sensed for the past year especially, that there were many of us who recognize something quite special in his thinking.
Watching Saul stand his ground on the WPRT board last year made me sit up and take notice… I sold WPRT and very profitably bought PSIX. His reasoning was simple and full of common sense: One company was losing money like a drunken sailor and another was making real money. You won’t believe the slings and arrows he took simply for stating the obvious. A year later he has been vindicated and many of us became hungry to read more of his unique investment style.
“It’s gotten to be one of the best boards because of all who participate and interact.”
Absolutely right, iborg. 1000+ posts and going strong.
Thank you, Saul.