Datadog Q2 Article from SoftwareStackInvesting

Excellent free article on DDOG just posted on Twitter:…


Hi lurkingfool,

Please don’t clutter up our board by posting links twitter-style.

Most of us following DDOG would probably know about Peter and his current blog update anyway, so reposting the link does really not create much value in itself.

However, we would very much like to hear your personal thoughts about the article. Why do you think it’s excellent? That is what our board is about, discussing individual growth stocks, not for link-sharing without any personal thoughts that can act as conversation starters.

Please don’t take this the wrong way, we are just trying to protect the board by keeping the clutter at a minimal level :slight_smile:

(Assistant Board Manager)


Besides the great numbers, this stood out for me:

n Datadog’s case, many of their customers are digitally-native disruptors, who themselves are experiencing rapid growth. Their customer list includes examples like Peloton, Airbnb, Instacart, Fiverr, Coinbase, DraftKings, Wayfair and Zillow.

Their growth isn’t just powered by adding new customers. It is also powered by growing income from customers who themselves have explosive growth.