There are companies whose shares I’d like to buy, e.g., HD, LOW, that seem to be well managed and whose products/services I use. (I.e., the Peter Lynch model of investing.)
I’m a firm believer in that model. When I’m considering an investment, there are always two questions to which I ascertain the answers before I even consider looking at the company’s financials, and that I continue to monitor after investing.
- What is the customer’s experience of the company’s products and service?
- How does the company treat its rank and file employees?
There’s usually a very strong correlation between good customer experience, well-treated employees, and prospects for growth. Companies that drive away customers with bad products or bad service have to replace the customers that they lose before they can grow. And companies that drive away employees have to spend a lot of money hiring and training replacements before they can grow. Thus, if either of these “goes South,” that’s about as strong of a “SELL NOW!” signal as you can get. Peter Lynch was so successful precisely because he read these signals and got out of the stock before the downturn in sales showed up on the next quarterly report, when many investors would jump ship causing the price to drop.
But I don’t want to be buying them while their stocks are still overvalued as Ben Graham would run the numbers and make estimates of ‘fair value’.
Valuation metrics inherently depend upon speculative projections of a company’s future growth – and here, the disclaimer that appears in every prospectus for a mutual fund is very relevant: Past performance does not guarantee future results.
The chief macro-economic fact that concerns me is the currency war that the US has provoked. ‘Dedollarization’ is happening, and it will trash our economy, hence, our financial markets. The US could strengthen the $US by cutting back on its printing and by (at least partially) pegging to gold and/or a commodities basket. But it lacks the foresight and will to do so. Hence, we’re facing a multi-year recession, if not depression. (That’s the war that Putin has already won, not whatever might be happening in Ukraine.)
I don’t know where you are getting this concern. Blumberg’s Currency Cross Rates table ( for data) shows that the dollar is stronger now, compared to other currencies, than it has been for a couple decades. A day or two ago, I also noticed an article on Microsoft’s news feed about a big drop in the value of cryptocurrencies.
No one will know where “the bottom” is until afterwards. E.g., who knew on March 9, 2009 that that day was “the bottom”? I didn’t. But I had begun my buying campaign in January and ended the year up 34% because of it and up 20% the following year. That’s serious money. Right now, we’re still not in a comparable situation, and I think it’s too early to start a serious campaign of averaging into positions in anything except hard assets, and there, I’m only nibbling.
Here, I would refer you to the book Stocks for the Long Run by Jeremy Seigel which presents a very solid analysis of the performance of the U. S. stock market since the New York Stock Exchange first opened in 1800. If you look at a short time period, a lot of oscillation dominates the graph. But if you look at a longer period, there’s a very clear upward trend centered about a line on a semilog plot with a compound average annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10.8% per year. Mathematically, a logarithmic regression yields the line through the middle of the data. There’s also a “boom” envelope, which is the maximum of the upward oscillations, at twice the regression line and a “bust” envelope, which is the minimum of the downward oscillations, at half the regression line. All of the oscillations lie between these two envelopes. So when the market hit bottom on 09 March 2009 and again with the COVID shutdown in March of 2020, people who were familiar with these envelopes knew that it was not going lower.
In recent history, the market was pretty much stuck on this bottom envelope from March of 2009 until November of 2016, when it started to come off of it – reaching an all-time high before the 2016 election only because the 10.8% CAGR raised the bottom envelope above the previous high – and it has not reached the regression line, which indicates normal economic conditions, during the pre-pandemic start of a recovery.
You can use whichever index you like to figure out where the market is. I normally use the Dow-Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) because it’s the most accessible. Here’s approximately where this band currently sits.
Top Envelope: 88,800
Regression Line: 44,400
Bottom Envelope: 22,200
The DJIA is hovering around 32,300 as I write this, putting it about midway from the bottom envelope to the regression line. This tells me that the market has a LOT more upside potential than downside potential.
I’m actually using a variable cash allocation now. My formula is:
C = 20% x (log (I/B)) / log 2 + 10%
where C is the cash allocation, I is the current value of the index, and B is the bottom envelope of the index. This produces a cash position ranging from a minimum of 10% when the index is on the bottom envelope (maximum upside potential) to 50% when the market is on the top envelope (maximum downside potential), with a cash position of 30% under normal market conditions (index on regression line). This calculates a current cash allocation of about 21%.