What happened to the days when cardiologists were earning over $1MM per year? Private equity must be scarfing up some of the lucre that previously went to physicians. Per capita health costs are now over $12,000 per person. Price gouging continues uninterrupted.
…according to Medscape’s “Physician Compensation Report 2022.”
I used to read that website and was often asked to participate in reader polls, one being about compensation.
So big problem #1 - self reported, no evidence needed. Obviously not everyone participated, I didn’t and neither did DW.
Problem #2 - doesn’t delineate teaching jobs from private practice. Teaching positions, unless you are doing big time research getting $$$ grants, at best make 50% of private practice.
Problem #3 - outliers. DW made an insane living in her specialty, but her group was a major outlier due to geography and practice size. Probably close to 4-5x the average. What would be more informative, what is the median income, not the average.
The numbers in this report are fairly meaningless barely rising above click-bait level.
The numbers in this report are fairly meaningless barely rising above click-bait level.
Coming from a medical family, there are doctors who do not truly care about how they practice. Setting up a factory type of setting can make them a fortune but the care will be worse than shoddy. Make that number 4.
My dad actually came out of the early US hospital system where the doctors worked for the hospital. He taught about 30% of the time. He stayed with the hospital while people who did not do well in residencies hung their shingles out to practice. He made half of what they did. The Whose Who had him as the best person in the region in his specialty. He was alone for 15 years in the listing. For those who do not know that means behind the scenes dad was considered by many of his peers in his specialty to be the best. Meanwhile his thoughts on some of them were quite the opposite but those thoughts will remain private.
The Whose Who had him as the best person in the region in his specialty.
I hope that’s a different publication than the seatback magazine on the airlines that used to list “The best heart surgeons in the US”. The more you paid, the glossier your listing.