EOW 15 APR 22: Indices, Energy, Ag, Oil, etc.

End of Week Updates Monthly/Weekly charts for Friday, ending 1 APR 22 - Week #13 for 2022

Biggest Percentage Gains to Biggest Percentage Losses for the week ending 11 MAR 22

Symbol   Name                    15 APR      8 APR      1 APR     25 MAR     18 MAR     11 MAR      4 MAR     25 FEB     18 FEB     

$IWM     Russell 2000            +0.55%     -4.67%     +0.70%     -0.36%     +5.36%     -0.97%     -1.90%     +1.52%     -0.95%
$SPX     S&P 500                 -2.13%     -1.27%     +0.06%     +1.79%     +6.16%     -2.88%     -1.27%     +0.82%     -1.58%
$COMPQ   Nasdaq Composite        -2.63%     -3.86%     +0.65%     +1.98%     +8.18%     -3.53%     -2.78%     +1.08%     -1.76%

$UST30Y  30 Year Treasury Yld.   +5.80%    +13.11%     -6.15%     +7.44%     +2.54%     +9.26%     -5.68%     +2.23%     +0.00%
$UST20Y  20 Year Treasury Yld.   +5.10%    +13.08%     -5.11%     +8.30%     +3.27%     +9.87%     -5.91%     +3.04%     +0.00%
$UST10Y  10 Year Treasury Yld.   +4.04%    +14.29%     -4.03%    +15.89%     +7.00%    +14.94%    -11.68%     +2.60%     +0.00%
$USD     US Dollar               +0.57%     +1.14%     -0.20%     -0.61%     -0.91%     +0.47%     +2.12%     +0.62%     -0.05%
$KBE     Banking ETF             -0.30%     -4.55%     -4.81%     +0.47%     +2.65%     -0.80%     -5.25%     +0.11%     -1.34%

$CRB     Commodities Index       +4.60%     +1.71%     -4.60%     +5.16%     -0.97%     -1.62%    +13.43%     +0.31%     +0.21%
$BDI     Baltic Dry Index        +3.99%    -12.81%     -7.35%     -1.46%     -4.16%    +26.54%     +3.47%     +1.52%     -0.66%
$TRANS   Dow Transport Index     +2.58%     -6.71%     -5.34%     -0.68%     +8.30%     -1.04%     +1.22%     +1.58%     -0.19%

$NATGAS  Natural Gas            +16.28%     +9.76%     +1.94%    +15.38%     +2.92%     -5.80%    +12.21%     +2.12%    +11.06%
$WTIC    Light Crude             +8.84%     -1.02%    -12.84%    +10.49%     -5.71%     -5.49%    +26.30%     +1.53%     -3.10% 
$GASO    Gasoline                +8.09%     -1.41%     -8.23%     +7.19%     -2.26%     -7.45%    +23.31%     +2.21%     +2.68%        
$BRENT   Brent Crude             +8.09%     -1.88%    -10.75%    +11.71%     -4.21%     -4.22%    +24.24%     +4.73%     -1.82%

$HYDR    Hydrogen ETF            -0.05%     -4.14%     +1.22%     -1.57%     +2.02%    +14.09%     +0.55%     +4.07%     -0.44%
$ICLN    Clean Energy ETF        -2.12%     -1.89%     +2.85%     -0.52%     +2.12%     +6.64%     -0.10%     +7.17%     +0.95%
$LIT     Lithium ETF             -3.14%     -4.62%     +3.60%     +1.46%     +8.01%     -4.03%     -6.01%     +1.53%     -0.19%
$REMX    Rare Earth Materials    -3.78%     -6.06%     +4.43%     +7.31%     +5.90%     -2.32%     -4.61%     +4.16%     +0.69%

$SLX     Steel ETF               +3.23%     -2.34%     -0.93%     +7.78%     +2.76%     -1.36%     +8.09%     +3.92%     -1.34%
$COPX    Copper Miners ETF       +1.47%     -2.70%     +0.49%     +5.86%     +2.31%     -3.55%     +6.23%     +2.52%     +0.20%
$COPPER  Copper                  -0.03%     +0.78%     -0.21%     -0.87%     +2.46%     -6.32%    +10.09%     -0.76%     +0.30%
$JJU     Aluminum ETN            -1.81%     -2.10%     -4.85%     +5.50%     -1.44%    -10.61%    +15.23%     +2.78%     +2.64%
$JJN     Nickel ETN              -2.63%     -0.94%     -3.80%    +25.99%    -16.73%    +13.18%    +23.28%     +0.30%     +4.34%

$JETS    Jets ETF                +8.04%     -7.32%     +4.27%     +1.12%    +13.24%     -4.36%    -13.34%     -2.66%    +1.76%
$DRIV    Autonomous & EVs ETF    -1.40%     -6.64%     +0.73%     +1.94%     +8.18%     -2.86%     -6.99%     -1.22%     +0.32%
$SMH     Semiconductors ETF      -3.50%     -7.00%     -3.60%     -2.28%     +9.52%     -3.74%     -5.59%     +1.97%     +0.00%
$BOTZ    Robotics & AI           -4.26%     -6.46%     +0.38%     -1.89%    +11.42%     -5.55%     -4.13%     +2.06%     -0.79%

$PAVE    Infrastructure ETF      +1.36%     -3.82%     -1.50%     +1.66%     +5.02%     -1.03%     +1.76%     +0.72%     +1.26%
$LUMBER  Lumber                  -5.29%     -1.56%     -0.07%    -13.89%     +2.43%    -14.92%     +8.56%     +0.00%     +1.10%

$XBI     Biotech ETF             -2.84%     -3.13%     +4.06%     -2.76%     +8.92%     +0.85%     -6.57%     +0.46%     -4.24%
$IHI     US Medical Devices      -4.12%     +0.55%     +3.50%     -1.48%

$WEAT    Wheat                   +3.61%     +8.67%     -8.67%     +6.21%
$CORN    Corn                    +3.07%     +4.73%     +0.67%     +3.34%
$DBA     Agriculture Fund        +0.98%     +2.81%     -2.29%     +2.87%     -0.96%     +0.00%     +5.56%     -1.66%     -0.28%
$MJ      Marijuana               -0.96%     -9.85%     -7.66%    +15.80%
$COFFEE  Coffee                  -3.41%     +1.42%     +2.95%     +0.82%     -0.86%     -1.03%     -6.03%     -2.99%     -1.91%

$GDX     Gold Miners             +6.54%     +0.46%     +1.99%     +4.03%     -2.79%     +2.38%     +8.75%     -0.32%     +6.38%
$SIL     Silver Miners           +4.09%     +1.26%     +0.51%     +2.48%     -2.23%     +1.86%     +3.46%     -2.22%     +2.47%
$SILVER  Silver                  +3.53%     +0.69%     -3.75%     +2.10%     -4.10%     +1.44%     +7.38%     +0.10%     +2.67%
$GOLD    Gold                    +1.51%     +1.14%     -1.56%     +1.29%     -2.81%     +0.94%     +4.19%     -0.64%     +3.13%

Note: As usual, I'll pin the charts from a Twitter thread to this post once I complete posting them over there.
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Here are the monthly/weekly charts for all of the above:


Thanks. Looks like CRB Commodities is the clear winner this time. Others are not even close.

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